
Thursday, February 4, 2010

Baby giggles

Anna Maria Horner posted the most adorable video of her youngest child (she has 6!!!!) playing with their dog.  I think I've watched it about a billion times already.  Is there anything at all sweeter and more uplifting than the sound of baby laughter?  The dog's reaction reminds me of the way my dog used to behave when we kids were torturing playing with him.

So while I was being lazy relaxing tonight, I decided to peruse YouTube for some hahas.  And I actually found a video entitled's posted below.  It makes my stomach hurt to watch it because I laugh so hard with this kid.  I wish I could laugh like that every day--they do say it's good for you to laugh until your stomach hurts.  Wonderful endorphins...

We're in for a big snowstorm this weekend, so there should be lots of hot chocolate, coziness, and sewing going on.  I have a special order bag to stitch up (it's all cut out--isn't that the worst part?), and a request for a change purse.  I think I'll do a tutorial for the change purse.  There are squillions of them out there already, and I've used a few to come up with a technique that works for me.  I have one or two steps that are different, so I think a tute might be worthwhile.  When I look for guidance on a new crafty technique I like to have lots of options to look through to find the easiest, quickest method (because I'm lazy efficient like that).

Hopefully I'll have some pics of fun and progress (though not necessarily occurring at the same time) to pop up over the weekend.  After we dig out, of course...

Oh, and I discovered the strikethrough button on the editing toolbar and decided to overuse practice it in this post. Hehe...stay warm!


  1. I could waste hours YouTubing laughing babies! Haha. And babies/toddlers eating lemon or anything sour. Those are fun, too :D

  2. ...and babies smelling stinky feet...they make the same face I make :)
