
Monday, April 5, 2010

London Calling!

I spent my holiday weekend lounging on the porch and reading, eating yummy everything, and doing a bit of sewing.  My leetle seester asked me for a few skirts for her birthday, and I didn't want to keep her waiting too long, so I worked on those.  Once they're hemmed I'll bend her thumb all the way back until she agrees to let me take pictures of her in them to post. 

I spent most of last week sick to my stomach...with excitement, because I was awaiting the arrival of this, direct from London:
Eyeglass case wristlet kit (from u-handbag--photos from their website).

And it arrived today.  With a big blue "Royal Mail" sticker slapped on the front. And a customs label.  Ooo-wee baby--an international shipment!  I have had my eye on this for ages--I love the cheery fabric, inside and out, and the entire kit comes with everything except the sewing supplies and the glue. I would order sooo many more of these kits, but the exchange rate between US and UK doesn't work in my favor, so I have to be picky.  I also bought a pattern for another type of frame clutch.  I'll invest in some frames once I see how this one goes.  This may be my weekend project. 

But first...I have to turn this:
Amy Butler's "Love" collection, Cypress print, in Paisley Mint

...into a bag.  I've made this bag before but now there are some modifications to make to it.  For one thing, it needs to be shorter.  That part was easier than I thought.  It also needs to have a zipper closure.  I think I've figured out in my head how I want to go about doing this, since it's not a standard application, so we'll see how it goes.  Fingers crossed...


  1. Ooh nice fabric. I'm going to be embarking on a man bag for Mr B soon (although he keeps asking me not to call it a 'Man Bag') and it will have THREE zips and I've never sewn one into a bag before. He wants it very plain but I'm tempted to put a mad pattern in as a lining.
    Wish me luck! :)

  2. oooo--definitely share pics of that one. I have a friend who calls it a "murse" instead of a man purse. I guess guys have stuff to carry too :)
