
Sunday, June 13, 2010

Globetrekkin' to Asia (but not really)

I wanted to share the final two skirts I'm entering in the crafterhous Skirt Week contest.  I almost HAD to bend my sister's thumb back to get her to slip these on for me.

They're both straight skirts, but one is  a cotton woven and the other is a cotton knit.

The one on the left is the result of my first sewing-without-a-pattern ordeal.  My youngest sister has a knack for seeing things somewhere and wanting them replicated exactly.  She was watching Globetrekker (I think) and wanted a straight black cotton skirt, but without an elastic or drawstring waistband.  I was sewing approximately 3 months when she asked for this and had zero knowledge of body measurements and curves and proportions.  I hacked away (literally) for about a week trying different things, but it ended up fiercely asymmetrical and sometimes had bumps that looked like little pointy ears.  I decided to just sew 2 rectangles together, the back one slightly larger to accommodate the tush, and put a band on the top like a neckband from a t-shirt, and met with success.  I've made her several of these so far.  They look super-comfy; I haven't made myself one because I don't want to be made painfully aware of how much bigger my bum is than hers.

The skirt on the right I made on Easter whilst waiting for company to come over--it was that quick to put together.  There are 2 darts in the back and a side zipper; other than that it's straight seams and a band that gets sewn inside the waist so there technically isn't a waistband, in the traditional sense.  She selected the fabric, and asked me to make her a few skirts for her birthday--this is one of them.  The other is made from shirting fabric with a tropical-Hawaiian flavor to it.  Since I know a bit more (but not much) about clothing alterations, etc. these were much less beastly to put together than the super-simple black one was at the time.

I decided to make a sample of the Asian skirt so I wouldn't waste her skirt fabric, so I dug into my stash for some stuff I wasn't in love with to make sure the pattern would work out ok.  I sewed in the most beautiful zipper ever. EVER. I texted my friend and let her know how awesome I am. It was that good.  I did all the other steps, and then it came time to attach the waistband.  And my measurements were way off.  I could not figure out what the h-e-double hockey sticks I had done. I pulled out the pattern pieces, I checked my measurements, I filled the swear jar, I promised to write a letter to Burda (who usually have great patterns), but still--nada.  I held up the skirt by the waist, thinking that would help.  And then I saw it--I sewed the zipper to the bottom of the skirt (essentially upside-down); no wonder I was so far off. The kicker is that at the exact instant I realized the issue my sister walked by and said (totally unaware of what the deal was) "Ummm...I think that's going to be way to big for me."  I had to then text my friend and tell her I wasn't that awesome, and then she laughed at me for a while.  I emailed the story to my old sewing teacher (old in the sense that I don't take lessons anymore and she used to be my teacher--she's actually quite young) and she wrote "I'm glad to hear some things don't change.  I'm typing that with a smile, just so you don't think I'm being sarcastic."  But I fixed my error, and the sample skirt is actually a pretty cute wearable garment.

That's all the tomfoolery I have for you today.  Get ready Monday, because here I come!


  1. This story made me laugh hard. I wish I can contact my sewing teachers like you do. It would be kinda weird though because they work with my mum and I don't want to be friends with her friends. Haha

  2. It was a humbling experience, I can tell you that. Then I laughed hard, too :)

  3. Hmmm... I really love that Asian skirt! What creative genius prompted you to make such an exotic piece? You should thank her by making her more skirts of her liking.

  4. Only if she gives me makeup tips for the wedding next month.
