
Saturday, July 24, 2010

Quick Crafted Baby Gift

A friend of mine at work and his wife recently welcomed their second little girl into this crazy world.  Due to the fact that the past several weeks have been one crazy whirl of activity for me, I haven't had the chance to do the whole handmade thing.  I adore handmade gifts for babies--they're always cute, they're usually quick because they're tiny, and you don't have to worry about it lasting forever because man, do they outgrow things quickly (like you didn't already know that).  Previously I've done knitted or crocheted blankets, but it is 100 degrees today, and that's without the whole humidity-heat index thingamajigee math part factored in.  Yarn is not something I want my mitts on at this particular moment.

So I had a bit of an idea and went skipping off to Joann's Fabrics to hand over some money.  What I did is by no means original, but it sure is cute.  Here's the recipe:

A package of onesies and assorted appliques....

 ...some mighty fierce wrinkles pressed out and appliques placed...

...and you get a cute and quick present for a little him or her!

Wrap it up (this adorable box was from my birthday and suited this gift perfectly) and you're good to go!

Take a gander at the cuteness of these appliques up close:
I can't decide which is my favorite.

This whole thing took minimal time and only required a hot iron.  I didn't follow the directions--they said use a pressing cloth and no steam.  I tried it that way and the adhesive would just. Not. Melt.  So I used steam, and it still wasn't working properly.  I took away the pressing cloth and it worked the way I imagine it's supposed to, which is, essentially, sticking.  Contrary to the directions they provide that result in not sticking.

They had rows of these in every size and shape you can think of.  There were even adorable ones for boys that rival the cuteness of those for girls.  The cost of the onesies wasn't too bad, but the patches can get a little pricey.  I used coupons, though, so the total wasn't too bad.  I was thinking I might get some onesies and some patches to have on hand in case I need a quick baby gift.  Ain't nothin' cuter than a baby tushy and chubby baby thighs in a soft and comfy onesie when the temperature soars.


  1. I hate that we don't have Joann's here.

  2. I like having craft stores fairly close to me--but the downside is that the uniqueness factor is removed. Some of the neatest fabrics come from those little mom and pop shops with fabrics that aren't abundant in the world.
