
Sunday, November 28, 2010

Gingerbread Christmas Wreath

Seriously? Less than a month until Christmas? Come. On. And the past four days blew by in such a blur I now have a headache. But the house is decorated and smelling good, a huge bit of my shopping is done, and I can now chillax a bit. I've been so excited to decorate because I wanted to hang up my latest craft--it's absolutely nothing new, but I have been wanting to make one of these since I saw one last Christmas:

I found a gold wire hoop at the craft store that I really don't know what you'd use it for, but it worked perfectly for this. I took my Christmas scrap bag and my rotary cutter and cut a bunch of strips about an inch a half by eight inches. And then I made a bunch of knots. Then a bunch more. Then I smooshed them all together and made more until there wasn't a lick of space left no matter how hard I smooshed. It looks like it would be heavy but it is surprisingly lightweight. It still needed a little something so I tied a gingerbread man in the center and ta-da!

There was something oddly satisfying about tying all of these strips together and ending up with something kind of cute. And I think it goes great on the corner kitchen hutch:

  What's that you say? What's that awesome blue jar on the shelf? Sure, I'll zoom in.

It's from Belgium, that's all I know. And it cost me $2 at a church flea market. The opening isn't large enough for much, but I adore the color. It's the most perfectest shade of blue.

I've started crocheting a blanket so I'll get some pics going to share it with you--out of everyone who's seen it so far I'm the only one who likes the colors, but as it's for me I'm the only one who has to like them, right?

Have a happy week!


  1. I love the wreath, and hope to try and make one myself. Thanks!xx

  2. New background, new(ish) wreath, a great jar, the house decorated - I'm so impressed at how sorted you seem to be...and I love your technical terminology: "smooshed" sounds very complicated :-D Have a lovely week, Love from London xo

  3. Such a cute wreath and it looks so simple to make I think I might make one in another theme. However, I really like gingerbread men, so I like yours too.

  4. Love this wreath! The gingerbread guy is adorable.

  5. Your wreath looks beautiful on the hutch! It must have taken you quite awhile to do. It turned out perfect. I'm your newest follower!

  6. I love the little gingerbread man!

    Thank for linking up to Too Cute Tuesday!

  7. So festive!
    I am also loving the glimpses into little bits of your house. So delightful. :)

  8. Super cute! I like the gingerbread man to finish it off. Merry Christmas!

  9. Hello! I found you at Keeping It Simple and I am loving your blog! I wanted to invite you to enter my $50 American Express giveaway and my link party that are both going on this week! Keep up the great blogging and happy holidays! -Dana
