
Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year!

 (photo from here)

"Pa's strong, sweet voice was softly singing 'Should auld acquaintance be forgot, and never brought to mind?'... When the fiddle had stopped singing Laura called out softly 'What are days of auld lang syne, Pa?' 'They are the days of a long time ago, Laura,' Pa said. 'Go to sleep.' But Laura lay awake a little while, listening to Pa's fiddle softly playing and to the lonely sound of the wind in the Big Woods. She thought to herself, 'This is now.' She was glad that the cozy house, and Pa and Ma and the firelight and the music, were now. They could not be forgotten, she thought, because now is now. It can never be a long time ago."
excerpt from "Little House in the Big Woods" by Laura Ingalls Wilder
(with a little creative license taken)


I don't do New Years. I haven't for a long time. I used to do dresses and pubs and drinks and celebrations but it never sat right with me. I prefer to spend it at home, quietly doing whatever. New Years has always seemed sad to me. I remember it was 1985 (I was 6), and I was laying on the couch thinking about 1984 and time passing (I've always been odd like that). My mom came in to tell me it was almost dinner time, and I asked her if it was ever going to be 1984 again. She said "No, never." Well, I distinctly remember crying and sobbing as though my heart was breaking. Ever since then I have always felt a bit sad on New Year's Eve. I still don't know what was so phenomenal about 1984 that I didn't want it to end...

2010  was a good year for me. I've seen my skills grow, I've made new friends, I've sold a few bits, and I've done a few new things, most of which you have kindly endured reading about. I appreciate your support and your comments and visits. I'll be back soon with regularly scheduled programming (I needed a bit of a break from normalcy these past few days).
I hope 2011 is a good year for all of you!



  1. Happy New Year Bethany!!
    Thankyou for being a fabulous follower of my blog, can't wait to see what you get up to in 2010.

  2. Happy New Year. I used to feel sad about the year ending too but nowadays with my hectic sewing and craft markets and kids to handle, I really look forward to another day, another year. Because it means more time!

  3. Happy New Year honey, like you we celebrate quite quietly at home, not done the going out thing for about 15 years now!
    Hope the new year brings you lots of great things.
    Kandi x

  4. Happy New Year! The years may never come back, but awesome people like you and me can remind everyone about them!

  5. Happy New Year! Here's to a fabulous 2011.

  6. Happy new year, love! :)

    You were a precocious child, weren't you? Adorable. :)

  7. Bonjour Bethany, I know exactly how you feel...that doesn't mean it's not weird ;-D
    I wish you a very happy new year filled with health, love, laughter and tons of creative inspiration. Love from London, Carole xo
