
Monday, August 15, 2011

Purse Frames Aplenty

I ordered myself a new purse frame kit a few weeks ago. It was a little pricey, but I really wanted to try something new but still pretty simple. I think I will only be making one of this particular style. The lining was a bit fiddly and difficult. After I had finished with that part I was surprised to find my shoulders up around my ears and that I had been holding my breath a bit. It wasn't an impossible thing; it was just an entirely different way of making the purse bottom than I've ever come across before. The outside was business as usual, and even gluing it into the frame was simple. But that lining...oy. Maybe I wasn't in the right...frame of mind (see what I did there?! Purse frame? Frame of mind? Get it? Get it? Hello?).

Here she is:

I swapped out the fabrics in the kit for some in my stash. I really dig the shape of the frame, and it has a nice slim line to it:

It has a divided interior to keep your goodies separate:

I really like the way these fabrics work together, but I'm not totally fond of the purse itself. I forgot when I ordered this that I don't like dividers in bags (not in theory - just personally). It does fit my phone and the other essentials, so it'll be good to grab and go when I don't need my whole handbag.

But this got me off on a bit of a frame purse kick. I whipped a few up in a more classic style out of some fabrics my sister gave me for my birthday. Sorry for all the photos - it finally stopped raining after dinner and I got a little camera happy. They all look crooked because that's how I take pictures, but I assure you they're all perfectly straight and line up properly.

This fabric came from Joann's. I'm not sure what it's called as I always hack off the selvages and toss them....

And the inside is a bright cheery pink. 

Here's a nifty side view for you. These look like they don't hold much but they definitely do.

This next one reminds me of summer afternoons. Don't ask me why. It was one of those fleeting thoughts that leave you with a feeling or a memory of something, but no explanation of what or why specifically. 

I went back and forth between this frame or a silver one. I still can't decide. I should probably just make another one.

I went and stocked up on some happy yellow polka dot fabric. It is one of my favorite fabrics for the inside of a bag - it's like an explosion of sunshine.

Finally we have what I think is my favorite. There's something so fluid and fresh about it; the entire thing reminds me of a spring rain. 
This fabric and the pink one above came from two fat quarters so I have no info on them.

On the inside is a happy apple-green floral print. This frame is slightly larger and makes the purse much larger, even though the bottom of the purse is the same size. It actually holds more too. I'm not sure how changing the frame size changes that fact, but it's a mystery I'm content to leave unsolved.

I dig how they all look together. Like they're all huddled around each other at some purse party, gossiping and drinking wine.

These three look like they're all in line for the bathroom, bwahahahahaha. Cuz they're at the purse party, drinking wine....and then...the bathroom... Did I just blow your mind with the lengths to which my cheesy humor will go?

My plan is to have these posted in my long-neglected shop this week. It's really pitiful how awful I am at adding things to it, but I've had so many custom orders I haven't had much time. I'm hoping to rectify that in time for the holidays with some affordable, cute little things that would be good for gifts. Maybe if I actually write that here I'll do better at holding myself to it.

OH! And before I say ta-ta - have you entered my crafty clear-out giveaway? Here's the link--there's some yummy fabric and bag handles up for grabs.

Linking up here this week:


  1. Green is my favorite color! The big green purse with the green lining...(drooling!)I love it! All the frabric combos are fab! I;ll be pinning this post!

  2. The purses all look wonderful, love the pop of colours you used on the lining fabrics, so fun!

  3. I really dig the polka dot linings too. I buy the Made in Japan ones in Singapore and they cost way too much but the pastel ones are sooo lovely.

  4. These are great! U-type handbag is great!!
    Have a great Monday! Esther.

  5. Gorgeous purses Bethany!!
    I love the fabrics you've used - do you really throw away your selvedges?? Would you like to throw some my way?????

  6. I love your fabric choices. I agree that certain fabric just hits me a certain way and I don't always know why. Florals, dots, and stripes are fun to mix. I recently bought a purse frame and haven't made it into a purse yet. You have inspired me to grab some fabric from my stash and get into it!

  7. Utter gorgeousness... I love the Joanns one with the mad pattern it's beautiful!
    You need a medal for working with purse frames it's beyond my abilities and very short temper; you should see how far I can throw a purse frame in a rage, it's quite impressive really!
    Kandi xx

  8. Those are all fab, love the different fabrics. And yes, those 3 are definitely in a loo queue, probably from a night out clubbing

  9. These are so cute! I would love for you to stop by and share at my party : )

  10. Love them all!
    Coming from the Girlish Whims linky!

  11. Your purses are beautiful. So professional looking. I would be so happy if you shared this project on my Inspiration Board {link party}. I know my readers would really enjoy it.
    carolyn | homework

  12. Lovely- great color choices too!

  13. Just wonderful! I love them all of them but the one with the hot pink lining is my fav :)

  14. These are all so beautiful! I've never made anything like these cuties but I just might have to give it a try. Yours are so inspiring! Thanks for sharing at Fireflies and Jellybeans

  15. I just love all of these! You have a real eye for just the right fabrics, they are gorgeous! Thanks for linking up at Freestyle Friday.


  16. Those are lovely - great contrast in fabric liner color too!

    I'm hosting a fabric giveaway over at my blog - swing by if you get a chance:

    -Q @ JAQS

  17. Good morning Bethany, I featured this post at Happy Hour Projects! Thanks for linking it up at Freestyle Friday!


  18. I love all the purses but my fave is the pink one. we are featuring them today and votation also starts today. Thanks for sharing this with us. have a lovely weekend, Bethany!


  19. Hi, I love the colours and shapes of those purses. Could it be possible to have a tutorial with a sewing pattern for making this kind of purses by myself?

    Kind regards,
    Taina from Finland

    1. Hi Taina--
      I will try and get something together for a basic frame purse :)
