
Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Fabric Worlds

'Allo! Before I blather on (and you know I will) I just wanted to remind you of two things:

1. The My Memories giveaway ends this Friday - there are very low entries for this one, so get your name in for a good chance to win.

2. Also ending this Friday is the voting for the CBS Most Valuable Philly Blogger contest - I'd love you forever and like you for always if you could toss a vote my way.

OK, onward. I finished knitting an armadillo tonight. I have a few final touches to put on it and then I can get this thing away from me (I feel like I just ran a stinkin' marathon!). It's cute but I'm so over it. To reward myself for all that work I decided to drool over look at fabric online (yes, I know - very exciting reward. I also threw in a miniature Milky Way and some apple water ice sooooo.........yeah, good stuff). A comment left on my Sherbet Pips quilt must have stuck in my head a bit (Meream told me she wanted to live in my quilt - maybe we could then meet in "real" life because I want to swing on the tree swing and we'd be bound to run into one another--it's only a throw-sized quit, after all). I found that a lot of the fabrics I was drawn to had me thinking that I wanted to be in the fabrics. So now you get to look at them and glimpse into my weird little brain (you know you feel lucky).

When I was little there were 3 places I wanted to live for sure: inside a gingerbread house, with Peter Pumpkin Eater's wife in Storybook Land, and inside my Viewmaster with its nifty 3-D worlds. So how fun is this?

Viewmaster Reel fabric - found here

Like most girls I looooooved horses when I was younger (and still do - I think they are some of the most beautiful creatures that walk this earth). I had this Western cowgirl set with stables, and saddles, and whatever else you'd need to properly run a ranch. I spent quite some time playing with them in my bedroom. Which is why when I saw this I gave a little gasp and went "Awww!" because that could so be me last week twenty-five years ago.

Far Far Away III by Heather Ross found here

I grew up in a single home on a quiet street set amongst blocks and blocks of row homes in Northeast Philadelphia. And sometimes I would find myself wanting to live in an apartment. There seemed something wicked fun about it in the books I would read, as well as the slamming good times they used to have on Sesame Street (which is what this reminded me of--I think it's the shadows that do it for me):

Brownstone in Black found here

I love holidays. Almost all of them. Especially those at the end of the year. I adore Halloween decorations, and love all the stuff out in stores and the kids in their little costumes. But the actual trick-or-treating thing? Not so much. I think the spookiness of it appeals to me. Which is why I wish Halloween looked like this for real (especially those adorable haunted houses):

Spookyville panel found here

This one is kind of literal (since I want to go here so badly):

Underground map found here

Don't you want to live in what is probably the happiest place ever? It's the kind of place where you'd skip everywhere, and where there'd always be rainbow lollipops. I call dibs on the black polka dot house!

Hello My Friends found here.

I need to live in the world where such teacups exist--a cup of tea makes everything better, but it would be MUCH better if you were sipping from these:

Holly Jolly Teacups found here

And finally, the one that started it all:

Girl on Swing found here.

I'm off to the land of nod now, folks. See you soon!


  1. Great fabrics;. You make me smile!

  2. I love the bears on their little bikes in Hello My Friends!

    Your quilt is lovely and your wristlet is gorgeous, great colours!

  3. Threw another vote your way. I'm very attracted to the brownstone in black fabric. You know girl on a swing could easily be the title of a horror movie.....

  4. Love all your choices, and I really want the London Underground one, which is funny, 'cos I don't think I've seen it here. I guess I could always just scan the map in myself and print it on fabric, I have plenty of them lol

  5. Girl on a swing? How precious is that!!!!

  6. Wow wow wowzer! Gorgeous fabrics I especially live that view master one!
    Kandi x
