
Thursday, September 15, 2011

Ohio Whoops

Sooooooo this week's block for the Sewn QAL was the Ohio Star. A simple block, in and of itself...until I got my hands on it. This is what it is supPOSed to look like:

And THIS is what I've done to it:

There's a simple explanation behind this. In the tutorial for the block the colors were set so that the dark formed the star and the light was the accent. I figured I'd try and switch the light/dark to see what kind of effect it would have. So far, so good. Until I attached the center block on each side in the wrong direction (they should each be turned 90 degrees). If you stare at it you can see the star that I swear is hidden in there. Or you can look at the yellow lines I drew for you:

And here's your obligatory closeup - at least things are nice and matchy-matchy for the most part:

I decided to leave it this way for a few reasons. One - I was super careful and all my seam allowances were spot on and it measured 12.5 inches perfectly. If I unpicked all that there was no way it was going back together nice and neat. Second - one of the points Leila (the host) made last week was that by playing with colors and arrangements the same block can look drastically different. Since this is a sampler quilt and a learning experience I'm leaving it be in the spirit of...that. Sorry - I got boxed in by my own poor choice of wordage. Third - I have lazy tendencies sometimes (case in point - I apologized for my previous poor sentence instead of rewriting it).

I've been busy stitching this week but nothing has come out according to plan and it all required redos, so that's what I'll be finishing up this weekend. Unless the cooler weather beckons to me and I decide to spend it out and about. Have a happy Friday! See you soon!


  1. That is how you learn new things, thru experimentation and making mistakes. Serendipity. Good for you having a positive attitude about a little mix-up. I hate to tear out seams and would have made similar choices as well.
    Happy sewing,
    Rikka J.

  2. Oopsie. Your points are right on!!

  3. Yep, life's all about the learning experiences... I'll be posting about the 'learning experience' I got with the Amy Butler Blossom bag tonight.
