
Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Thank yous and a giveaway!!

Before I get on to the giveaway, I wanted to say a few thank yous. Firstly - thank you for the sweet comments you left on my color-pop bag. I'm pretty sure I neglected to respond to each and every comment, so thank you for the bag love :)  Secondly, thank you for the comments and emails in response to this post. Each time I read one I felt a little upwards tug to the corners of my lips, as well as to the strings of my heart. You have no idea how much I appreciate you taking a piece of your day and spending it here. Seriously. I love you guys in the non-creepiest way possible :)

I was going to wait to do a giveaway until I reached 500 followers. But recent events have made me realize life is short and to just do things without waiting for a milestone to somehow make it more meaningful. So it's happening today. It's just as good as any other day, no?

One of my very favorite shops to browse is the Fat Quarter Shop. I'm pretty sure they have everything to fulfill any fabric obsession. Any color, pattern, style, genre, you name it. They ship worldwide, and are super-speedy with their dispatching. I picked out a few of my favorites to make you look at share with you.

Berenstain Bears. I think I still have a huge pile of these books in the attic somewhere. I used to loooooove them. 

Ms. Hoey has done it again. I absolutely adore her prints. She even has a Christmas line coming out this summer.

  These are the colors and prints that make my heart happy. Throw in a dash of aqua and I a cartwheel. Badly. But still.

 Every time I see the Poky Little Puppy I hear my nephew's little toddler voice when he found the book amongst our shelves ("Hey! I wuv the poky yiddle puppy!")

 And let's not forget those stash-filling solids.

It's almost embarrassing how many more of these I picked to share and then I realized I might have a fabric problem and should just stop looking before I spend my tax refund (before I even get it).

So anyway - here are the details. I'm giving away one $30 gift certificate (emailed straight to you so no waiting!) to the Fat Quarter Shop to a randomly chosen winner. All you have to do is leave a comment on this post. The only thing I ask is that I have a way to contact you -- either leave your email address or make sure it is linked to your profile. If you're concerned about spam, you can leave your email address in this format: sweetbeebuzzingsATgmailDOTcom. This is open to anyone, anywhere, but if you're outside the US be forewarned that shipping rates will increase. I'll leave this open until 11:59 pm EDT on Friday, March 9th, 2012. I'll announce the winner the next day-ish.

Good luck!


  1. Thanks for the giveaway, Bethany. :)

  2. What a fantastic giveaway and I love Fat Quarter Shop!

  3. Woo hoo! I wuv da pokey yiddle puppy too! Pick me, pick me!,
    I am a firm believer in using the nice china now and not waiting for a special day. Cause every day is special indeed!,
    XO Kris

  4. Thanks for such an awesome giveaway, Bethany! And these fabrics are all so cute. Looks like I'm going to have to go investigating for myself. And I'm pretty sure you know how to get a hold of me. <3 the other Bethany

  5. What a great giveaway! Fat Quarter Shop does have a fabulous selection - just love that.

  6. Oooh, what a generous giveaway. If I win I will pick A walk in the woods because I can't get them in Singapore.

  7. Marvelous Give Away, thank you for a chance to win (though *tut tut* for indulging my fabric addiction) :-)

  8. I've never heard of this shop, but looked around from your blog. Looks great....I'd love a chance to win. I'm a new follower on your blog too so I can stop by again.

  9. Aww, fab giveaway, thanks for the chance to win!

  10. I LOVE the Berenstain Bears!!

  11. great I love giveaway.. please put my name in the hat. Thanks for the chance to win.
    susan.molnar(AT)att(DOT)net But I think my address is viewable

  12. What a great gift...thanks for sharing sooner ;)

  13. Nah, you don't have a fabric 'problem' ... you are simply passionate about fiber. Yup, that's my story and I'm sticking with it!! And anyway... happy 472 followers -- and cheers to many more!!

  14. we all have fabric problems so join the croud grear giveaway

  15. Yay I'm in even though I am in the UK : )

  16. I wuv the pokey widdle puppy too :)

  17. Great give away! I think we all love fabric and they have great choices. My email is

  18. Wonderful giveaway. Thank you so much for the chance. I would have NO problem spending that for sure. Of course, I'm pretty sure any of us could do that.

    My email is linked on my profile but I'll make it easy
    vburr at charter dot net

  19. Sweet Bee! You are a sweet bee!

    What a fun giveaway! You know I'm vowing to become a sewer this year and your little stash might offer me even more encouragement! Thanks so much!

  20. I need a bundle of solids to make an Everything Baby quilt by Lunch Box Quilts, Thanks for the giveaway! iris at st-tel dot net,

  21. Thanks for the awesome giveaway!

  22. I am so excited about this giveaway! Thank you!


  23. Berenstein Bears?! How cute is that?! Thanks for the chance to win! kritty 518 at yahoo dot com

  24. Love the Berenstein Bears! We had soooooo many of those books.
    Thanks for the chance!

  25. What fun! Pick Me!!

  26. I need a new project to work on. This would be fun!

  27. What a lovely giveaway! Just love their fabric selection. Did you hear that the writer of the Berenstein Bears died just this week? I read so many of them as a kid.

  28. Wow! What a crazy awesome giveaway :) and I would LOVE to win! Thanks. klucking(at)fairpoint(dot)net

  29. Fantastic giveaway, thank you ever so much for having it. I would love to be entered susand1408 at googlemail dot com

  30. What a wonderfully thougtful (and exciting giveaway)! I would love a chance to be entered!

  31. I love fat quarter shop also I could spend way too much money there. I love your choices. I hope you have a wonderful rest of the week

  32. I love fat quarter shop. Sounds like a great giveaway-oh I hope I win!!

  33. I too have a fabric addiction... thanks for the chance to grow my stash!

  34. So much gorgeous fabric!! Thanks for the opportunity to enter! :)

  35. Oh do I love give aways! Although I never win anything, it's the anticipation of having that shot! This would be awesome to win! Thanks so much for the opportunity. Be blessed!

  36. Aw... you're so sweet. You are the one going through a hard time and you are giving US a giveaway! Too nice! Thanks!

  37. This comment has been removed by the author.

  38. Already know I would get the Good Fortune layer cake or stock up on a few charm packs ^^

    Heatherburdett at gmail dot com

  39. Oh! Pick me! Pick me!

  40. I love all the fabric! Great giveaway. Thank you for the opportunity. shannon(at)

  41. I am always looking to increase my stash! Thanks for the giveaway.

    mindierdh at

  42. Have been wanting to get a project going but haven't had the time or funds to get fabric for it. Would love to win!
    melsdaisypatch at gamil dot com

  43. Hey, what a lovely give away.. Thanks.. :)

  44. what a nice giveaway! I just stumbled on to your blogg while surfing for tutorials on bags and such. I really like your blogg and thanks for the great tutorials and printable's.

  45. So much fun - I love fabric so much it might be considered an obsession. And I joined your following because it only seemed right and I like your stuff ;)

  46. FQS is such a great shop. I love their new pattern line It's So Emma. Thanks for the great giveaway!

  47. What a great giveaway! I love the FQS!

  48. totally amazing!

  49. Thank you for the chance to win! I love shopping in FQS although I live in Europe.

  50. oh, I love checking out all the fabric they have! I have a lot of projects pop into my head when I am shopping too. Thanks for the chance to win! wanoniem(at)yahoo(dot)com

  51. thank-you for a chance at this giveaway.Who is'nt a fan os fat quarter shop.I am also a fan of yours also i've made both your change purses in you tutorials they are very nice.Again thank-you for the give away and good luck all becky

  52. Don't worry, you aren't the only one with a fabric problem... we should start a group ;)

    Thanks for the giveaway!


  53. What a gorgeous giveaway - thank you very much, Bethany! ♫ b_lanephoto [ATt} yahoo [DOtt} de

  54. Esses tecidos não são prêmios...são presentes para um querido amigo que sou Eu.Betãnia,muito obrigada.Deus te abençoe sempre.sou

  55. Woo-hoo! What a fun giveaway!!
    I *just* discovered your blog via the linky party @ Someday Crafts.
    <3 <3 <3

  56. Thanks for the giveaway! I love their fabric but can never afford it.

    cdye13 at gmail dot com

  57. I'd love to win this one!

  58. I loooove the Fat Quarter Shop! Found your blog via a linking party over at Someday Crafts. :)

    Thanks for the giveaway, you rock! Good luck to everyone!

    sambina2cute AT yahoo DOT com

  59. I try to avoid the Fat Quarter shop, heck any online fabric shop because it's like crack cocaine baby. So many beautiful things that are just insisting to come and live with me for a while. I hope that things get better soon for you and yours.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win.

  60. Love this shop they have great material. Thanks for the chance to win.

  61. Awesome giveaway and thanks for the chance to win!

    cochina1414 at yahoo dot com
