
Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fat Quarter Shop Giveaway Winner!!

Must post this while I'm thinking of it or it'll never happen. That's the way I seem to be rolling lately. "Ooops, I totally forgot" has become my catchphrase. My brain is entirely too crowded, apparently, and things just disappear from it. Like why I started writing this in the first place [checks title for reminder]. Ah, yes. You'd like to know who the lucky duck is that won the Fat Quarter Shop gift certificate.

There were 69 entries for this one. I said "Mr. Random Generator, please pick a number between 1 and 69, inclusive" and he said "Yes ma'am!" He thought for a split second and said "15 sounds good!"

"But WHO is number 15?" So I counted (because my comment number widget seems to have gone bye-bye), and landed on:

"Describe happy." That made me laugh. As did "passionate about fiber." I assume she means the fabric kind of fiber. Not the digestive kind. I'm not really passionate about that. Or even mildly interested, truth be told. But fabric fiber? Yeeessss.....

So--congratulations Christie!!!! I hope you don't get stuck in some weird vortex of options from which you cannot emerge. Because if there's a place that makes it hard to choose, it's the Fat Quarter Shop. And just in case anyone was wondering, this wasn't sponsored by them or anything like that - heck, they don't even know about. I just adore their selection and their service and thought I'd share it.

Happy Saturday! I'm off to photograph a very not-me bag to share tomorrow. I guess it doesn't matter that it's not me, since it's not FOR me, but my nephew even noticed it's different from the usual stuff he sees me work with. By the way, the nephew has a cell phone. We were texting yesterday. He LOL'd me. I don't like when kids grow up. Just sayin'.


  1. Sorry, who are you again? (heh, couldn't resist ;o) )

  2. I had to laugh about your reference to digestive fiber... yup, I was thinking like fabric fiber. So excited to win!! Thank you again!
