
Thursday, April 5, 2012

Abnormal Egg Dying

I was so stinkin' efficient today. We were let out of work early today for our long weekend. I came home, cleaned my car, cleaned and dusted the bedroom (and boy it needed it! slightly embarrassed....) and dyed Easter eggs with the boy. I couldn't believe he still wanted to do them, but he asked my mom to boil some eggs and buy the stuff so there you go. He has always gotten bored with it after about the 6th egg, and that still rings true. This year, though, he decided to experiment a little bit more.

He was trying to squeeeeeeeeze an egg to see if he could crack it. I jokingly said "Try hitting it on your forehead and see what happens." Apparently he thought I was serious, because whack!! And the durn thing cracked. He then proceeded to crack a few more in such a manner. Sometimes I sincerely don't know about that kid.

Once opened, he devised 3 "experiments." First, he removed the yolk from an egg and dropped it into the cup of dye. Just to see. Then he dropped the other 2 peeled eggs into different cups of dye. And we waited.

 In the blue cup--those little flakes you see? Egg yolk. It broke apart a little bit.

 Ugh, gross. This ended up in a few other cups before he was done with it.

He took out the yellow egg to see what was going on with it. And since it was sitting in vinegar and water he decided to take a bite. No difference was reported from an "ordinary" egg.

Then we moved onto the green egg, which sat for a full ten minutes. Unpeeled eggs absorb the dye so much better, but they're kind of wiggly and gross.

Wouldn't you think that the die would have gone through the egg? I'd have put money on it. I would think the shell is gone, that white filmy layer just inside the shell is gone, so what's holding the dye back? I guess a non-porous surface is...or something. I tried to sound smart but it faded quickly there... I'm wondering if we had just left it in the dye for a super long time if it would have eventually worked its way in deeper.

In a completely abnormal way, I really like this photo.

After the yolk ball was plopped into a few different colors, it still hadn't changed color much but looked really gross.

And when we cut it there was no dye on the inside, either. Side note: I can no longer eat the yolk of a hard-boiled egg. I'm sorry if you now can't, either.

Of course we had normal-looking eggs as well. It wasn't some kind of sicko egg-dying session through and through....

 Of course he couldn't dye an egg straight-up. He had to dip them in multiple colors "just to see."

Those little Paas color kits have not changed one lick in a gazillion years except for one thing--they don't give you a crayon anymore. How's a person supposed to make a polka dot egg without the crayon? Luckily this rainbow cardboard band stepped in to cheer things up.

So that's that. It was an oddly full day, but a good one. And now I've got all day tomorrow to do what I want. Which looks like it's going to be sewing. Diaper bags. I'm assembly-lining 3 of them. We'll see how that works out. Ta for now!


  1. Lol, what is it about long weekends that you think up loads of jobs to do, and then want them all out of the way ASAP so you can really enjoy them?!

    That egg dyeing was a little, err, gross lol

  2. Looks like fun! We used to dye eggs with onion skins boiled up in a pan they go the most amazing deep brown/red colour. I do fancy making some green eggs (Dr Seuss Style) and taking them in for my lunch at work, just to see their faces as I chomp down :0)
    Kandi x

  3. We Chinese dye our hard boiled eggs red for birthdays and weddings. The egg white does get a bit of the red dye but just barely. After eating our eggs, our finger tips are red and they are impossible to remove.
