
Monday, September 3, 2012

Hexie Progress

Running concurrent with my new-found addiction to HGTV is an apparent inclination to having holes poked in my fingertips. Paper-piecing has turned out to be the perfect type of project for plopping on my arse with a cup of tea and the remote control. Ever since we returned from vacation I have felt very little motivation to fire up my sewing machine (I'm hoping that changes this week). I have (literally!) piles of projects waiting for me to cut and stitch but there's something about the post-vacation exhaustion and return to normal followed by a long holiday weekend that just does not lend itself to unnecessary work.

HOWever, I do feel I've made some nice headway on my hexie project. I didn't lift a needle when we were seaside, but I set to when we got home. Just over a week ago I had a pile of twenty hexie flowers. I've now got the actual makings of something. This required the cutting and piecing of so many diamonds and triangles for my decided-upon layout. I've now got two rows finished with one more to go (plus the stitching together of the rows and the finishing of the edges. Which I haven't figured out yet).

So here's what I've got so far (apologies for the pics--it was so rainy and gloomy all day so there was no chance at decent shots)--

All of those "tails" you see sticking out will be concealed in the final piece as I plan on having a full white border around it. I was thinking of adding some patchwork border action but I'm not sure if it'll be too much visually or make the runner too big. Measuring where this is going to go would be helpful but I haven't done it because that would make sense.

I don't know if I could take doing an entire quilt this way, but I certainly do applaud those who have the tenacity to get through it. I am enjoying the fabric and shape play, but my penchant is for easy quilting projects and this one, while not inherently difficult, is quite time-consuming.

My stitching is better in some places than others, but only up close. I also haven't removed any papers yet, and I'm thinking there will be a wee bit of give once I do that will make those stitches a little more relaxed. Whipstitching sure is some sturdy sewing--I've sewed a few pieces together incorrectly and had a beastly time getting them apart, so at least I won't be worrying too much about this piece falling apart.

My fingers have been itching to start work on another crochet blanket of some sort, but I have no idea the pattern or the colors. I've been thinking of a totally retro granny square blanket in brown, orange, olive, and marigold--something totally Brady Bunch/That 70's Show. But it's so far from my "soul" colors I'm worried I'll get completely sick and tired of it a few squares in. But I'm always working in brights and candy colors that it wouldn't hurt to step out of my comfort zone. What to do, what to do...I hope all my decisions are this difficult.


  1. Olá Betânia,Como uma viciada em hexágonos e depois de fazer centenas de peças ,colchas,almofadas,caminhos etc..Quero te dizer para não desanimar com tamanhos,no começo é realmente desanimador mas depois vai com muita facilidade e rapidez.Sugiro que primeiro defina o tamanho e o que você e quer fazer,depois vá fazendo por tiras,essa quantidade que está pronta é ideal para ,se juntar muitos o trabalho rende menos(parece que).Outra sugestão é que não alinhave,faça pelo avesso e na dobra um ponto de arremate.A linha ficará para sempre e o aproveitamento de papel é muito grande,por não ter furos de agulha e economiza tempo,não tendo alinhavos para tirar.Espero que não fique chateada comigo por comentar essas coisas,só quero ajudar.Desculpe.Beijo grande.

  2. They're beautiful. I wish I had your patience.

  3. Oh wow, that is some beautiful work there! Hexies are perfect TV work, that and crochet. I just started a new crochet blanket too, I have to work with colours I like or I would become depressed, that's why I barely ever make for anyone else I'm so selfish :0) xx

  4. The hexies are looking great so far! My travelling companion for the grand adventure in October has a vision of us each making a flower whenever we stop on our tour. We'll see how that works out ;o)

  5. how lovely! I love the way you've put the white diamonds and triangles in, this is going to be gorgeous!

  6. I am sitting here wide-eyed and admiring your patience for such a project. Like, DUDE. So good!

  7. I LOVE this! It makes me insanely happy!

  8. It's beautiful & I adore the fabrics you've chosen along with the crisp white border of diamonds. Keep going! x
