
Monday, November 12, 2012

Twenty-One in Dog Years Giveaway!

Hey there, gang! With time flying by the way it's been I almost missed the grand event that is my three-year blogiversary! I had a few moments of "When...but wait it had to be, it was AFTER that..." until I went and looked it up. Today is three years to the day. Wow. I can't believe it. It feels like forever, and yet like it was yesterday.

This blog was a tiny little thing for oh-so-long. I had a handful of readers a day, and most of them I either lived with/was related to, or worked with. I had grand expectations for everything--somehow I was going to get rich and just blog and sew the day away. I'd have a gazillion followers who would all think I was a genius. Needless to say it didn't happen that way. Blogging isn't always easy--I honestly think the hardest part is not the content, not the photographs, but the getting-your-name-out-there aspect of it all. If you're not a big self-promoter (and I am nowhere near being one) it's hard to get that traffic moving your way. After thinking long and hard of what I want from my blog, I decided I want what it already is. A little space to share and reflect, to give and get ideas, to capture moments in time that may otherwise pass, forgotten.

While no one wants to write a blog just for themselves to read, it's also not all about the number of followers (this I know is true, but I do get excited when the number goes up, and feel a little pang of aw-shucks when it goes down), but the interaction and the inspiration and the support that this aspect of the internet can give. Your comments make me grin and laugh, and puff my feathers with pride when you tell me how you loved one of my tutorials. I thank you so very much for the bits of time that you spend here.

To celebrate, I'm giving away a $25 gift certificate to They carry so many makes and models of fabrics and prints it's dizzying, and their prices aren't too shabby, either. Say you don't sew, but would like to learn to knit or crochet--they've got the tools for that. Need some scrapbook embellishments? They've got those too. Need to fill your button jar? Yep, you can. Patterns? Check. Sewing machines? Yeah-huh. OK, I'll stop. You get the point.

All you have to do to enter is leave a comment on this post. You can tell me what you had for breakfast, a really good book that you read, or ideas for things you'd like to see more of here on my blog. I need a way to contact the winner so please leave your email address (you can write it as mynameATwhereverDOTcom to trick the spambots if that concerns you) or have it linked to your profile. And that's it. I'll leave it open for a week, so this will end on Monday, November 19th at 11:59 PM EST.

Good luck!


  1. What a co-incidence ! I just completed the wave top bag last night - I;ve dabbled in bags before but this is the first one that looks like I might have bought it! Its a hit. Thanks so much for the pattern and tutorial - and for the great giveaway.

  2. I love tutorials and lots of pictures :) happy anniversary!

  3. Happy anniversary. I just off the UR Priceless blog hop, and looking for more coin purse frames to do more. Also about to work on a small (maybe) quilt for a friends godmother to passed. Have a lot on the plate, but who doesn't. Thank you for the giveaway.

  4. Happy anniversary. I had homemade waffles this morning. Hubby makes the best ones.

  5. Happy anniversary, I hope in 3 years I have over 500 friends, I will count myself luck. Good Luck with your fundraising too. I am learning to EPP and love it. How about you??? Hexies are ok, but i love all the other geometric shapes too.

  6. Feliz aniversário!Venho te seguindo de longe,Brasil é longe,não?Sou viciada em hexágonos e tudo que é papel,amo.Almoço?Uma lasanha quatro queijos.Obrigada.

  7. Congrats on your anniversary.....I love your tutorials and would love to see more of them. And I just had a protein shake for breakfast-ugh.

  8. Happy anniversary! I had oatmeal for breakfast :-) And love tutorials!


  9. Happy Blogaversary!!! sp? You have a lot more followers that me! I don't participate in linky parties and things like that to grow my blog. I guess I really don't care about all that jazz. Hey, put me in the drawing please. I would love to win that!
    xo Kris

  10. Happy big 3. You're officially a teenager now. I can relate to what you said about blogging esp the traffic. For a 3 year old, you've done pretty well. I subscribe to many blogs when I was "growing up" way back when I started. Many of the blogs are dead now. I'm pretty sure yours is one of those that will survive. (like mine hee hee) Oh I had sweet Lipton tea and jam toast this morning.

  11. Happy Blogiversary!! I love coming here, I started following you when you said you could be a bit Sheldonic from times to times... and hey, we all should charish our inner Sheldon, shouldn't we? Anyway... I just finished Birdsong, by Steven Faulks about the First World War and it made me cry, I highly recommend it as so little is known about WWI. Breakfast?? Still in my bag ;-) Two sausage sandwiches. Thank you for a chance to win.

  12. happy anniversary (now i have that slim whitman song in my head, aaaarrrrrgggggg) keep on blogin. x

  13. Congratulations!!
    I had toast and marmite for breakfast!

  14. Congratulations! I had Chick-Fil-A chicken minis for breakfast, as I rushed off to work :) I love your blog and getting to see all the things that you create! I do wish you would post more purse/bag patterns. I love making those! And also, I'm so very thankful that you don't do rafflecopter giveaways, because those things are utterly annoying!
    Hope you have a fantastic day, and happy anniversary!

  15. Happy Blogiversary!!

    I had a pumpkin spice bagel with pumpkin spice cream cheese for breakfast today - yum! I was good and only used the allotted 2 TBS of cream cheese ... good thing it was a thin bagel ;-)

  16. Happy bloggiversary!

    I had asparagus, mushroom and goat's cheese breakfast casserole this morning.

  17. Happy Bloggiversary to you!
    I had grapes and cottage cheese for breakfast - tastes better than it sounds.

  18. congrats on bloggiversary i had raisin bran for breakfast

  19. Congrats on your anniversary! I just found your blog and already love it. I have a slight obsession with bags, purses, etc... YOu have a great blog. I can't wait to make a cute change purse soon :)


  20. Congratulations on your three-year anniversary! I have just started to blog (I wonder how long I can say that?) and I just don't see how to be efficient at it; I have so much to learn, but all I want to do when I'm not working/taking care of those who matter most to me is SEW. I admire you (and other bloggers). You have a great blog. Thanks for taking the time to share. Happy Blogoversary!

  21. Congrats on your 3 year blogversary! Since reading your blog, I have been inspired to make headway into finishing my UFOs and starting more new projects. :) Thank you! theballards2001(at)yahoo(dot)com

  22. Well congratulations on 3 years, it does fly doesn't it? I'm afraid my breakfast wasn't very interesting, I can't remember the name of the book I'm reading and I love your blog the way it is, so no help from me there!

  23. Happy three years. Congrats! I was just looking at your tutorial for making the little purses. so cute. I just bought 2 frames yesterday.
    I have decided to follow your blog after looking through it and I am getting to ready to leave some more comments.
    Thanks for the chance to win your giveaway.

  24. Congratulations to you on three years. I really enjoy your blog. Your sewing skills are so fabulous and I love your tutorials. Here's to many, many more years of blogging :)

  25. Congratulations on three years!! I am new to your blog but love to sew and you have lots of cute ideas and tutorials.

    Thanks for the giveaway.


  26. Congratulations on your third anniversary of blogging! I always love to read your blogs!


  27. Congrats on your 3 year anniversary. I follow with an RSS feed, so I don't show up in your followers, but I have been following you faithfully. Love the bags. Give us more ideas, please.

  28. Happy blogiversary!! I had Cheerios for breakfast! :)
    family74014 at gmail dot com

  29. Thank you for the giveaway... I enjoy your tutorials and the bags you make are inspirational. And I had a whole wheat Eggo waffle with peanut butter for breakfast. sherri2sew at yahoo dot com
