
Thursday, December 20, 2012

Cute Things. And Then Some.

Wanna see two cute things? No? Too bad. :)

When I returned to my desk from lunch the other day I could see that someone had left me a little gift while I was away. I couldn't imagine who it was, and I'm one of those people who tries to think of every possible person before I look at the tag (it drives other people crazy). This gift made me giddy with delight. I kept it right where I could see it the whole day as it made me smile with its cuteness and thoughtfulness.

I always draw a blank when it comes to cute things to do with mason jars, but this is so stinkin' adorable! Lime green and red (yes please!) with cute little embellishments, a pin cushion on top, and fabric and buttons inside. Let's check out the fabric--

Yeah, those are matryoshka and polka dots. What a perfect gift. I don't want to take it apart--I want to just sit and look at it. It came from one of my crafty buds at work that I sometimes get together with to make things. She does paper crafts and jewelry, and makes some really cute things. Thanks, Teres!

Thing 2. I told you all that I bought my dream car back in May. Recently MINI sent me a "yay you bought a MINI" package with a few goodies in it. A really nice notebook and pen set, a mousepad, little things like that. They sent me one thing that it took me a few minutes to figure out what it was:

I thought it was an eraser, then decided it was just a cute little thingee that serves no purpose. But hang on--

Wouldn't have figured that one out if they hadn't printed the size on the bottom. It's so teeny, too! I hope mine will handle ok in real snow--this one seems to do ok :)

OK, here's a third cute thing. A cute thing that needs a trim, but cute nonetheless.

And here's a blurry Christmas tree! A tree that my dad insists is NOT leaning, but totally is.

And here's what my tree would look like if I had a toy camera--

I'm glad I don't have a toy camera. I have enough photo problems.

Well, kids, my last day of work is tomorrow. I'm looking forward to lunch with friends, early dismissal, and lots of cozy doing whatever I feel like in pajama pants and slippers. All. Day. For almost 2 weeks. I love this time of year!!!!!!!! See you soon!


  1. Aw, that's such a nice gift and thoughtful of your colleague! That mini memory stick is great, god knows how long it would have taken me to work out what it is... Can your dog come and visit me to cheer me up?! I don't even get a christmas work-lunch :-( At least it's my last day at work before next year! Yay! Have a lovely day and enjoy your leaning Christmas tree! :-) xo

  2. ooooh, you bought a Mini?? Me too! Mine has a checkerboard roof and checkerboard stripes down the side, but it's blue. What about yours??

  3. Hee hee, love the mini in the snow, I think I'd have guessed it was a stress toy looking at the texture of it, but this is more fun!

  4. Those are all so cute! I love the fabric/ button gift, and the way it is packaged. =)
    And that tree is definitely leaning. =)
