
Friday, January 4, 2013

A Few for Friday - #1

I'm starting my own little series today. It popped into my head on my drive home from work last night, so I'm committing myself to it here so I have to do it. Every Friday I'm going to post photo-snippets from my week. Something that was pretty, or something new, or something bittersweet, or something that just touches me in a certain way that makes me want to remember it. I could use Instagram, but then I'd have to learn to use Instagram. And Pinterest already takes up waaaay too much of my time so I'm hesitant to add another social media outlet for fear I will never make another thing again but will be inundated with lengthy inspiration lists.

So each Friday I will share with you a few arbitrary photos--maybe 3, maybe 7, of whatever inspires me, of what I'm working on, of what makes me smile, just...whatever I feel like I want to share but doesn't warrant an entire post. It might be random, it might be thematic (depending on if I become obsessed with something), I don't know. If anyone is interested in playing along, let me know in the comments and I'll get a link party going where we can all share our snippets and see what makes each other tick. I'm completely freestyling this, so it may change and grow as the weeks go on, but at the end of the year I hope to have 52 posts full of moments of inspiration, happiness, creativity, and so on. And I do hope you'll play along too!

So here are my bits for the first week--

 New Year's Eve crafting with my mom. I don't get my party on for this particular night (as many of you may recall) but I always like to have a crafty project on hand. Reveal coming soon.

Some new sewing gear for Christmas. My cutting mats get so icky I wanted a new one. This giant was a gift from my parents--the sale was so amazing my mother convinced me to go big this time. I love it already. And it's double-sided.

One wee ornament made a run for it. I guess it knows it's getting packed away this weekend (hence the needle debris--why vacuum twice?).

A fun surprise in my work mail. I love when things like this come your way from a co-worker with a little note saying "Saw this and thought of you!"

Happy Friday!


  1. Love it! Great idea! I so often have "left over" photos and wonder what to do with them. I think I might just give it a go ;-) Thanks for the inspiration. Have a lovely weekend and enjoy getting rid of all those pine needles - I managed to wedge one under my finger nail yesterday - not pleasant! xo

  2. Lol, love the cartoon :oD I buy my cutting mats from the art shop, considerably cheaper than the 'craft market' ones, and absolutely identical ;o)
