
Thursday, February 7, 2013

A Few for Friday - #6

Mmmmmm, Friday. I'm quite pleased about that. Side note: right before I started typing 'I'm' I must have inadvertently moved my cursor to the search box. As I typed 'I'm' my options were: I'm shmacked, I'm sergio, I'm bored, I'm sexy and I know it, and I'm coming home. Shmacked was the number one choice. WHAT are people searching for? Also? My sister informed me that if you go to Google and type "where is" the first auto-guess is "Where is Chuck Norris?" Awesome.

Anyhoodle, here are this week's pictures.

My brother had us over for a combo Super Bowl/birthday party for Z-man. I bought him this candle as a gift--it's honey-scented  and made from beeswax--it smells sooooo good. I kind of didn't want to give it to him but he burns candles whereas I buy candles and forget about them. I got it at Target, so it's not like I can't go get one quite easily.

Everything's blurry here because it's quite the action shot of everyone sitting. Aiden is reaching for Zach's snacks, Zach is not finished with them so he's trying to protect his eats, and Alicia is trying to keep Aiden from eating anything that happens into his path.

 After a long break from sewing I'm easing back into it this week. The winter blahs have me low on motivation, so it's been a chore to cut and pin and fuse. I have a lengthy to-do list already, though, so I must snap out of it.

I kept trying to find a good spot to pull over and snap a pic of the setting sun, but this is the best I could do. A fiery sky, and a giant orange ball half-sunk behind the houses. I'm going to rig my car with a camera and a remote so I can take pictures while I'm driving without endangering everybody around me.

I'll see you folks soon! Hopefully with a finished handbag!


  1. Glad you are getting your sewing mojo back! Family parties are the best!
    Beautiful photo of sunset

  2. Did you say finished handbag??? ;-) I also have to get back into sewing, I am having a bit of a blah period. Doesn't help that my computer crashed yesterday **cries**
    Hopefully next week is better!

  3. Wow... like that last picture. (and the burning candle)

  4. Let me know when you figure out that car/camera rig, I could use one ;o)
