
Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Few for Friday - #10

I've nary a crafty thing to share with you this week as the one thing I did make must remain secret for a few weeks. But this weekend I should have two purses to share with you if all goes according to plan. I eagerly awaited the snow we were supposed to get yesterday--but it quickly went from an expected four to eight inches to nothing but some rain. How do meteorologists always get it so wrong? They were much more accurate years ago before they started relying on computers for everything. I got a good report from my dental check-up the other day. And now you can consider yourself up to speed on all the things you didn't care about to begin with. Here are pics of a few more things you're probably not caring about either :)

 I have had this long-sleeved tee since college (for almost fifteen years now). I think it's finally almost had it, wouldn't you say? And it's not dirty, though it looks it - it's shadow created from all the frayed edges. It's almost to the point of being one giant thread held tenuously together.

Some of the guys I work with went out for Chinese the other day. They surprised me with hot and yummy spring rolls. I was touched that they remembered the duck sauce, too. How do you like my spontaneously crafted dipping cup?

 My first washi tape craft. You'll see it soon...just not yet.

Someone got a haircut and isn't exactly pleased. Plus he doesn't like having his picture taken.

 My dad teaches physics part-time at a local university. I saw this thing and thought he got whimsical or found an old toy somewhere in the house. Turns out this demonstrates certain physics principles that I can't remember. You wet the bird's beak and then the whole thing wobbles back and forth, drawing liquid up into the birds head. When the head gets full it stops swinging, then quickly dunks into the cup of water you set in front of it to wet its beak and start again. I completely forget what it's demonstrating but I like this stupid looking bird thingee.

How's all that for random, eh? Have a good Friday! Hopefully I'll be back soon with something more interesting than Chinese food and plastic birds :)


  1. Oh yes, I have a couple of things that I have hung on to for many years, that are thread bare! Love it!!! I love my washi tape! And I love the bird!!! Your Dad reminds me of my husband! Who is a chemist/biologist.
    : ) Kris

  2. I walk round the house in clothes that resemble your tee. Hubby looks at me and says aren't you ashamed of yourself, all those things you sew, can't you make some decent clothes for yourself. LOLLLLL I figure when the holes become too large I'll wrap myself in a quilt. LOLLL Love your post.

  3. Oh yes, fabulously random! I think the t-shirt is definitely a gonner I'm afraid, but loving your lunch and washi tape. I think *someone* is a bit of a diva about his fur ;o) As for the bird, I totally know what that principle is, but can't totally remember - I'm sure equilibrium comes into it somewhere

  4. Oh Bethany - you did make me smile! I love your random posting and feel for your poor doggy as I've just had my hair cropped way too short. Feeling the cold now!

  5. Nothing wrong with that t - shirt - I'm sure there's a good few years in it yet. It always makes me laugh when we try to take photos of Jessie dog - as far as she knows I'm just calling her but hiding behind a little box - maybe they need the eye contact - anyhow he looks very smart x Jane
