
Saturday, April 27, 2013

What's Funny About Cylon Toast?

Sorry, Big Bang Theory moment. It kept running through my head when I was making this. This what? This toaster cover for my sister. She's been trying to brighten up her home with simple touches---changing the pillows, curtains, etc. And she "let" me help because I sew :)  She wanted some splashes of red in her kitchen to give it a bit of a vintagey look, and I was asked to make a new curtain and a toaster cover. Since the fabrics are one of my favorite combos ever I was only too happy to oblige.

I have a confession to make. This isn't the final version. The final version is on her toaster, fitting over it nicely. I didn't take a picture because it looks just like this one, only bigger. Like big enough to fit and not sit on top of it like a top hat of sorts...a top hat that doesn't fit. Know what dumb-dumb here did? Or did NOT do for that matter? Add in extra room for ease. So I basically handed my sister something in the same exact dimensions as her toaster. At no point did it cross my mind that wiggle room is necessary for such items. She even flat out asked if I had left some room, and I told her yes, of course, because why wouldn't I have done that? I've made these things before, and I usually add too much ease. Talk about a total brain dump. But like I said--delightful fabrics, and an easy thing to make when you do it properly :)  Plus I got to use my ruffler foot to make the gingham ruffle:

A ruffler foot is quite a delightful attachment, though a pricey one, so if your machine model has one that would fit and you'd like to ruffle up some stuff then it might make a nice gift request. I don't use it often but I do love having it available. I also popped it onto my machine to make this matching curtain:

I had made her a curtain like this a few years ago, and she told me she wanted the same exact thing. 'Same exact thing' enters my brain and swirls around and comes out of my fingers as 'kind of different.' The shape is the same, but I hadn't written down every detail so I think it might be shorter, but it's also wider so it's much more ruffly. She loved it and said it looked perfect so I'm not going to overthink it. I will never get tired of this fabric combo. Ever. I had no idea how I was going to photograph a curtain as I couldn't find a spare rod, but I found a long metal rod piece thingee in the basement that goes to the grill but never gets used so it was still wrapped in plastic so I used that as  a makeshift rod propped up on dining room chairs that I cropped out of the picture and wrote a really long run-on sentence about. Got all that?

Curtains aren't the most fun thing to do--it's a lot of pressing and pinning and straight-stitching, but I am always gratified by the results. Hanging some oversized rectangles on a stick can sure do wonders for a room :)


  1. You are the winner - that is officially my favourite blog title ever! I love BB and now I have an image of Sheldon's Mum giving him a ruffled toaster cover and the reaction that would cause!

    The fabric combo is beautiful, your sister is very lucky you are so keen to help! :)

  2. What a lucky sister you have - albeit with a toaster hat instead of a cover! I'm sure your cover could get used for something else, otherwise there are two immediate options a) make a bigger cover and put the first one on top as a bit of a penthouse feature or b) buy her a smaller toaster! There - I'm sure that helps! Love the idea of a ruffler foot x Jane

  3. Your toaster cover is adorable. I have one for every month.

  4. I love that fabric combination too. And not remembering to put in wiggle room is so totally something I would do!!!

  5. Love those fabrics, and the cover and curtains are darling. Ruffler feet are SO nice to have!

  6. I have a ruffler for my 80 year old Singer machine. It came in the box of goodies in the stool that came with the machine. I bought the machine at the church flea market a couple of years ago. Perhaps I should figure out how to use it. And find a use for ruffles!

  7. To be honest, I think it was very selfish of your sister not to buy a smaller toaster when you handed over the first cover! ;0)

    They look lovely, I know what you mean about curtains, I don't much enjoy making them either.
