
Saturday, August 24, 2013

My Brother's Birthday Card

A few weeks ago contacted me and asked if I'd like to try out their service. Usually when I am asked to try out products I turn them down as I have no need for the product and absolutely zero interest in it. But cards? Everybody needs cards at some point, and the shops haven't had anything lately that makes me leap for it and think "Oh that's perfect for so-and-so!" Luckily enough, my brother's birthday was on the horizon. I had made things for each of my sisters, but was lacking in ideas of what to make for him. So I figured the card would be the 'made' part of his present.

Now this isn't an ordinary browse-and-buy kind of thing. You can choose a ready-made card (of which there are tons to choose from) and keep the caption or use your own. You can insert your own photos into an otherwise ready-made card, or you can create one totally from scratch.

The longest part of the process was finding a picture that was a bit of a sibling dig, but not so recent that it would be too embarrassing. Once I had my photo scanned and saved I headed over to the website to create my card.

You start by choosing a layout. My photo was enough all on its own, so I went with a plain, blank photo card, of which there were many styles to choose from (the photo shows only some of them)--

 Once you choose your layout it shows you the options and properties for your selection:

If you like that, you continue to make your card, following the very simple prompts. You can upload a photo from your device, from Facebook, from Instagram, pretty much from anywhere.

Then you move on to the inside. You have several boxes in which to add your own text and signature. If you choose, you can remove the boxes and make it totally blank, or just use some of them. I removed two of them and kept the one as my text was very simple.

You even have the option to customize the back of your card (which, as I'm thinking of it at this moment, I should have done), or you can leave it blank with just the shop stamp.

Once that's done you preview all aspects of your card, and can go back to change things or approve them and move on. Then you choose your delivery options. For the cost of the postage, you can have them mail the card directly to your recipient or you can have them ship it to you (which is what I did--I needed to see his face when he opened it :) It comes to your door in a fun envelope that I wish was the norm for all mail--

Ready to see the card? Here's the outside (you can see now why just a plain photo was enough)-

And here's the inside--

I loved doing this! I've tried to make cards on my computer before, and wasted so much paper and ink trying to get the right size and orientation that it became entirely too frustrating for a simple card. Store-bought cards aren't too personalized and are either overly mushy or overly terse. In the time it would take to drive to and from the store, pick out the card, and pay for it I had a completely personal thing to give my brother that had unspoken mushiness to it (he knows I'm a sap for nostalgia and childhood stuff) but kept it light in the actual words. Another plus--the cost is much less than many store-bought cards (really, Hallmark? Eight dollars? Pshh, please and no, thank you). Shipment is quick, the quality was great, and it had the desired effect (laughter, embarrassment, and much discussion over how that particular outfit came to be).

Of course I want to say "Go get one right now!" but you might not need one right now. So I say to you thusly "Bookmark this site!" Or at least head over and play around. I totally recommend this service. As a matter of fact, the only thing I think that I would change (and maybe they have it but I haven't found it) is to offer boxed sets of cards for the holidays and such (wayyyy more fun than the Walmart-style photo cards, and much more memorable).

I must now go quake in fear of the retribution my brother may or may not be planning...

I was not financially compensated for this post. I received a free card from Cardshop in exchange for an honest review. The opinions are completely my own based on my own experience. For my complete disclosure policy, click here.


  1. That is awesome!! I am definitely going to bookmark that site, as I have 3 sisters and lots of photos... ha ha!

  2. That looks dangerously addictive...
