
Thursday, September 19, 2013

A Few for Friday - #38

Um, so, fall starts on Monday. What the hell? That one really snuck up. Not that I'm minding. I'm loving the cooler temps, the getting dark early, the knowledge that social acceptance of fall decor is right around the corner. But still. That means Christmas is in about three months. That's crazytown. I have very few pictures to share this week as I forgot my camera when we went to my brother's on Sunday and my cell phone pictures usually turn out hideous so I didn't even bother.

I don't know what's going on in this picture but it's way blurry. Obviously this is a pile of yarn. This is going to be turned into an afghan for Z. I'm hoping to have it done if not by Christmas then by his birthday in February. It's been so long since I made him one I'm very excited about it.

How's that for a harvest moon? The harvest moon is the full moon closest to the autumnal equinox. I know that if you take a picture of the moon it's going to look the same size in the photo no matter how it looks in the sky (camera lenses don't get fooled like our eyes and brains do). Unless you super-zoom. 

So that's all I've got. My sewing was fruitless this week as I was sewing with a damaged zipper and didn't realize it until I was finished. Surprisingly I didn't lose my temper in the least. But it also made me not feel like sewing a single stitch. I took off work tomorrow to finish up a bunch of things that have been sitting idle and need to be done, but I just haven't had the chance. Hopefully getting all that done will lead to more motivation in the sewing department.

Happy Friday, gang!


  1. I love the shorter days, cooler temps, and Fall colors.....This is MY season! I hate to take it down for Christmas.
    What pattern for Z?
    xo Kris

  2. Oh crappity for the zipper. It decided it was autumn here last week, the temps dropped and it started to pour...

  3. I LOVE the cooler weather, but I'm with you on the shock about Christmas being so soon. I only have one gift half-finished out of the 21 I'm hoping to make... I may have to resort to buying things.
    My sewing went like that this week too... almost had my skirt sloper ready to sew up, but I accidentally cut it out without seam allowances and just didn't want to try again for the rest of the week.
