
Friday, November 29, 2013

A Few for Friday - #48

'Allo! How are all of you? I'm about to say something I haven't said on the day after Thanksgiving...ever...--I feel rested and ready for today. Not that I'm doing anything. My sissies and mumsy and I go shopping in the early evening hours when many folks are gone but the deals are still plenty, so I don't need to rest up for all the Black Friday hullabaloo. No, for the first time in my memory we had a small Thanksgiving. Every year we have everyone in the free world, it seems--elbow to elbow, noisy, a constant buzz of activity. For an introvert such as myself it is so completely draining that it actually exhausts me and I need more than a night's sleep to recover. But this year we had just a very intimate dinner that didn't require days of work beforehand and a total rearrangement of the house (literally--we have to switch rooms of furniture to be able to fit everyone). It was delightful. I've made no secret that Thanksgiving isn't my favorite holiday, but if each one was to be like yesterday I think it might move its way up that particular ladder.

 Anyway, here are a few random pics.

 After last week's quilting adventure I didn't feel like getting into any major projects, so I curled up on the couch and worked on Z's afghan. I lit a scented candle, watched old TV ('old' meaning reruns of Full House because I'm a super-geek like that), and stitched away while Charlie warmed my feet.

So here's something. I burned this Monday night with no issue. I lit it again on Tuesday because it smelled so delicious, but found myself coughing and feeling actually kind of blah. When I looked closer I saw it was a soy candle, and remembered similar issues from a few years ago. This only happens with soy candles. Which is good, because I bought two new delicious Yankee candles (great deal or I never ever would have) and I want to enjoy them.

 When men go Black Friday shopping they go to Home Depot to buy North Pole train sets, shop vacs, ladders, and storage containers. They still go at ungodly hours because they're awake anyway, but I don't think they get into fighting matches at the Depot.

So that was my week. Quiet and pleasant and cozy. Today we haul the endless boxes of Christmas decorations out of the attic and start strewing it about. So I'm off to eat up some leftover cookies so I have the energy to do so :)  Happy Friday!


  1. Your Thanksgiving sounded delightful! We too, had a smaller than usual meal and day. Home in the morning. Then to my Mom's. Lovely day. Even got a little hookey in too!
    Have a good day and weekend with the family. Weird about the soy candle?
    xo Kris

  2. Glad it was peaceful! I hate big, busy Christmases for the same reason *shudder* These days it's just me, my parents and my gran - ahhhhh.

    I may have still availed myself rather grotesquely of your BF sales though *ahem*
