
Monday, December 16, 2013

Let's Do the Time Warp Again

Last weekend I managed to get my sewing act together and sew up three makeup bags that I had on order. Other than stitching the gap closed and giving them a neaten-up press I finished all three in one evening after work. I was quite please with myself. I kind of strutted around and punched the air when the last one was turned inside out. If I ever commit some action that has the potential to change the world I don't want to be in my presence--I have the most exaggerated reactions to the tiniest things.

The finishing touch for these bags was some ribbon for the zip pull. Apparently it's quite tragic if there isn't a dangly bit from the zipper for people to tug on. I really dislike sewing up such a skinny strip to feed through, so when I saw a large pack of assorted color ribbons at Joann's the other day I snatched them up for just this purpose.

Anyway, you've seen several of these bags before, and I've even shared the tutorial. But I really amused myself with the fabrics for these (and even named them in my head) so I'm going to share anyway. To be totally honest the outside fabrics were part of the request, but the linings were left to me. They're not a big deal, really, but they're still tickling my fancy.

The first one is obviously some sheet music. Let me say this before I forget--see how nice and neat my zipper looks? Usually that doesn't happen. THIS time I followed a tip I saw online somewhere that I now forget, but they recommended using your quarter inch foot for zippers. My quarter-inch foot has a little piece that you can butt your fabric edges up against, so I aligned everything and sewed. Delightfully straight zippers resulted. If I tweaked my needle position I could get it even closer, probably, but this was just how I wanted for these. Keep this in mind if you tend towards squiggly zippers. Now, back to the bag--

Sheet music. With some pink ribbon. But then lyrics would be needed, so I dug out a texty print for the lining:

These texty prints never make sense when you go to read them. I'd like to hear a song sung from them, just to see if anyone goes "Wait...what?" Anyhoodle, I called this one 'Music and Lyrics.' Duh, right?

OK, for the next one goats were requested. Goat fabric is not something that is produced in abundance, but I was fortunate to find a few examples. This particular fabric was a bit heavier in weight than regular quilting cotton, but not so heavy as home dec. I interfaced it anyway, because I'm neurotic about strange things.

These little goats gave me a smidgen of joy to sew with for a silly-esh kind of reason. I previously told you I am rereading my favorite book series, and now I am reading the James Herriott books (those about the English country vet? Thoroughly enjoyable, you should check them out). Anyway, I had just read one of his tales on lambing season on the farms in the Yorkshire Dales, and these little skippy goats made me think of that, as well as the sheer pleasure he must have had doing his job.

You may think "Oh, a matching green lining" but this is quite obviously the meadow where the goats scamper about.

And the ribbon isn't yellow because I didn't have another that matched just right, but because obviously daisies and buttercups and daffodils and dandelions grow in that meadow where the goats flit about. I called this one 'Is That the Vitnery?'after an oft-repeated line in the books.

The next one I had a bit of a time finding fabric for. Do you know it's not easy to find fabric for Dr. Who? I found an Etsy shop that keeps a supply that they have made over on Spoonflower. It was pricier than I would normally pay for fabric, but I had no other options. Plus these bags don't take much in the way of materials so it's not like splurging on that bit would break the bank on the other bits.

I don't know why the fabric looks faded in the photo as it doesn't in real life (I couldn't get it to show properly no matter what settings I used). I like how the background isn't a mere check, but shows the effect of gravity on the space-time continuum (man, I am a giant nerd). The lining gives me such a kick:

Ooooo, outer space on an acid trip. The blue swirls and the sparkly stars were so cosmic I chuckled in the store when I saw it. Because I'm pretty sure that when they do get time travel down you might see a sight like that along the way. I named this one 'Time Warp.'

I'm going to have to explain the linings to the folks I made these for, in case they feel the need to explain them to the people they're giving them to. What's actually more likely is that I have given way too much thought to a few fat quarters.

So am I there yet? Am I in need of mental help, or do you think I still have some wiggle room?


  1. These bags are absolutely beautiful,hard to choose one fav.Have a fun week!

  2. Cute! Is it bad that I am picturing someone slapping their hand on their forehead dramatically and fainting because there's nothing on the zipper end to pull at. I think this suggests, like you, I am also not fit for world changeing effords (besides the fact that I am to freakin' lazy) and heaven forbid I should ever join the army ;-) I also finished some last presents this weekend and I was definately dancing with happines. Ha!

  3. Oh sweet girl, you are so like me!! Love the bags! Love the fabrics, and love their names! Also, I love the ribbon in the zipper pull too. So much easier! I read some of the James H. series too, and loved them. If you like those, do check for a book at your local library called Rex by Joyce Stranger. It is a delightful read!!!
    Everything is looking so pretty and festive for Christmas where you live!! Here, we are to be 83 today!
    xo Kris

  4. Well everything you've said makes perfect sense to me so you're not alone! I made tote bags for gifts this weekend and have had a fine old time over the fabric choices that represent that person to me :)

  5. Oooh, oooh, all that ribbon, squeeeee! *Ahem* Okay, lovely pouches, and I love James Herriot too, I listened to about 5 of his books while I was hiding in the lighthouse :o)

  6. Love the Dr. Who bag! I have bought quite a bit of Dr. Who fabric on spoonflower. Love how that bag is all timey-whimey!

  7. Wiggle if you must, meanwhile I was trying to choose which is my favorite but I cannot do it - I love the music and lyrics because I play piano; I love the goats because a friend used to raise goats and we always went to see the babies because they're the cutest things on earth; and I love the outer space because you are so stinkin' funny about it! So I think some lucky peeps are getting these as gifts. Are you done with your own Christmas shopping?

  8. I love the linings you chose and the names that go with each bag. =D
    I was unaware that one could buy assortments of ribbon like that... I don't know if I'm going to be able to resist buying those now!
    I really enjoyed reading the James Herriott books when I was younger. Those need to be on my re-read list.

  9. Cute makeup bags. They turned out great!

  10. Fab! I love the Dr Who one, what perfect fabric, I'm now trying to resist the urge to buy a yard or two!

  11. Those are fabulous! My sis-in-law would squeal over the Dr. Who bag! Cool idea - and i do like the extra touch of the ribbon pull. This is inspiring me to get out my sewing machine.

    Merry Christmas.

  12. Love your pouches. The time warp one is really cute. Reminds me of Dr Who. Cute ties too love the colours and polkadots
