
Wednesday, December 31, 2014

In With the New

Well, here we are on the last day of the year (but if you live on the other side of the world I guess you're on your first day of the new year). I find myself not dreading the passage of another year, which is extremely unusual for me. I am usually so very much in love with December and all things Christmassy that I could literally cry when faced with the end of it all. Not so much this year. December was a bit of a crazy month, and while I normally look forward to my time off of work I find myself a bit stir-crazy this year and not dreading going back at all. I have no idea what that is all about...

I realized this afternoon that I had picked up a few bits here and there that I never shared with you. I'm a big fan of folk art and almost can't help myself when faced with it for purchase (and only do so when the cost is really prohibitive). So here are a few acquisitions that didn't break the bank (but at the same time leave people asking "Did you really need that/another one?"

I told myself I was not buying more nesting dolls. And then promptly forgot about that promise. There was something about the colors of this set that drew me in.

This one I wanted purely for the sweet little faces. And because it seemed like a more economical choice than the $130 alpaca shawl that was hanging near it....

Again with the sweet little face. And the cute teeny knitting. The vendor must have thought I was half-gone as I spotted her, walked up, pointed at it and said "I want that." Not "How much is this?" or anything a normal person would say, but one step away from walking up and taking it. I couldn't help it. I was excited.

I certainly do not need a thermometer/barometer Bavarian chalet. But I neeeeeeeeded it. Mostly because of the deer and the mushroom.

This last bit I shared a snippet of on Instagram this morning. Every year my grandma insists on sending us all a little bit of money, no matter how much you plead with her to just spend it on herself. Usually I cash the check and spend it on everyday things. But this year I thought "I am going to Joann's and see what I can find for me." And I found this:

It's a flower loom set. Ages and ages and a few moons ago my mother made oodles of loomed flowers for her first Christmas tree. Every year, when decorating the tree, I examine them and say "I can't figure out how you made these..." This year she decided to pipe up with "Oh, I used a little round loom." So when I saw this on the peg at Joann's I snatched it up and marched to the cashier. My mother saw it and said "Yeah, it was pretty much like that." So this morning I used up some scrap yarn from a questionable bird ornament I crocheted and got the process down.

There are a few different ways to darn the centers securely. The white one was my first attempt--one go-around with the yarn makes a very open flower. The pure red was my second attempt going around twice. My backstitching in white was a hack job so it's not too tidy. For the red and white one I used the smallest circle, and used two strands held together. I then followed the directions for how to backstitch these and it came out just right (fancy that--reading the directions...). Good thing I ran out of yarn at that point because once you get into the swing they're kind of addictive. You can use yarn, ribbon, raffia, I guess any long bit that can be wrapped around the loom.

So that's that for now. I want to wish you all a very happy new year! Just think of it--a whole year's worth of days spreads before us, with no mistakes in it yet...


  1. Wait, what is this following directions that you speak of?! I don't suppose you are going to suggest that the rest of us follow the directions now, are you? ;-) Those flowers are really cute though.
    You pick up the cutest things! I love the doll knitting. And obviously you needed the nesting doll set because they are snowpeople instead of the typical little women.

  2. Lol, I have similar issues in craft fairs, I've been assiduously avoiding the European Christmas Market in the city centre since mid November for this reason!
