
Sunday, December 7, 2014

Snack Pack Giveaway Winner!

Happy Sunday morning! More rain fell yesterday than I can believe, but today is shiny and bright! I've got an afternoon of treat making with my sisters planned, I'm almost finished with my Christmas shopping, and my latest sweater is moving right along. Good times.

But you're not here for that. You're here to find out who won this fun little Snack Pack of strippy Christmassy goodness.

Usually I use a random number generator, but I took a phone message in a marker the other day that looked quite calligraphical, so I decided to write out the names to get that out of my system (I know you understand these whims). So here's the lot of entries...

They got a good mix-around, I handed the basket to my mother with the directive "Pick one," and she complied quite nicely. So here we have our winner:

Who left one of these comments:

Congratulations Emily! I've sent you an email, so hopefully we'll get this winging its way to you soon! Go get your day folks!