
Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Hardest Post I've Ever Written

Ugh. I don't want to write this but I need to. It's one of those things where you keep thinking you don't want to say anything, but you feel like you've come to know people and you should. Plus if you keep using 'life' as an excuse for neglecting your space then maybe you should say what 'life' is... OK, here goes.

My sister Rachel (A-train's mamma) has cancer. Do you know how hard that is to say? Probably not as hard as that day she sat in the doctor's office and heard it herself (PROBably not...I have a flair for understatement), but still. Things have been a whirlwind and standing still all at the same time. The day we found out I had Z-man out to dinner when my other sister called me, and spent the rest of the night trying not to be sick in front of him (I was watching him while my brother was at work and everyone else was at my sister's house). We had all resolved not to say anything to anyone until we had all the info. That's quite a thing to keep from people. But the word's out and people know, and I figured I'd share since I'm the worst secret-keeper since Rubeus Hagrid.

So, it's Hodgkin's Lymphoma, and she, thanking-all-things-holy, has a really good prognosis. She still has to undergo chemo and all of the associated BS, but I feel really positive that she'll be A-OK. We all do. But here's the thing. You know how health insurance in this country is in that special place of suckitude, as costs rise and employers want to offer it but affordability becomes a problem? So, yeahhhh.....there are going to be some big bills coming her way.

In addition to a fundraising event my cousins have in the works, they've also set up an online funding event here at GoFundMe. Every single teeny bit helps as they all add up to a big bit of something (kind of like how all those stolen calories of cookies and candy here and there added up to my big butt, hahahaha). Anyway, if you feel so inclined to donate the link is right there and I'd be grateful more than you can imagine. If you'd like to donate something for us to raffle off at the fundraiser I'm not going to turn that down, either. Just leave a comment with your email address (if it's not linked to your account) and we'll figure it out. If you can't do either (which, believe me, is fine and understandable--I'm not always so inclined to do such things, either, for what is essentially a stranger--no matter how much we bond over fabric and yarn) happy thoughts and prayers are also willingly accepted.

I don't want to have this be the world's biggest downer of a post. So I'm going to share with you this video my sister Alicia took on Christmas. A-train is giving some very sage advice to my mom, who assures him she understands. Enjoy.


  1. I don't even know what to say. I'd like to help. I can donate a coin purse and a few infinity scarves, but let me know if there's something else I can make and send you.

  2. I am so sorry! Your sister and your family are all in my prayers. We have a relative we nearly loss several times last January to complications from the H1N1 flu. Shortly after her recovery, she was diagnosed with cancer. Like your sister, the prognosis is good; even so, it is quite the battle she is pushing through. When will your auction be? Unfortunately, I am over-committed this month, but I could make something to send in February. Hugs, prayers and well wishes heading your way!

  3. Bethany, I am so very sorry to hear your news. But I think I can also give all of you some positive energy. I have personal knowledge of this diagnosis as one of my brothers is a long term survivor of this same cancer. He was diagnosed as stage 3b at the time. Since then (approximately 15 years ago) he has since become the father to 6 (yes 6) boys, ages 13 to 8. Please tell your sister, and family, to stay strong. While the treatment may be rough at times, she (and all of you) will come thru this. Our prayers are being sent your way.

  4. Hiya Bethany!!! I'm so sorry to hear of your sister's illness. I will be sending healing energy and love out to your family. I can't begin to imagine the feelings you are having. I would like to donate a necklace that I have in my Etsy shop. You can see it here You can contact me at pamspretties57 at gmail dot com and I will get it shipped to you. Blessings to you and yours, hugs!!! Pam

  5. Bethany, I am also sorry to hear your news, but happy to see you are upbeat about the prognosis. I know a number of cancer survivors and it's not the scary thing it used to be decades ago thanks to medical advances. I think the medical insurance system is in need of a real overhaul as medical care should be affordable for everyone, but that doesn't seem like it will ever happen. In the meantime, put me down for some raffle prizes. I can make some eco bags or coasters or whatever you think will be helpful, just let me know when and where.

  6. So sorry Bethany. I think you need to make her a quilt to cuddle and knit or crochet a warm hat for her too. It will keep you busy and she will know every stitch was created with love from you and that will be healing for you both.

  7. So sorry to hear the news, but I hope she sails through the treatment without complications.

  8. Prayers for your sister and for all the rest of the family.

  9. I am sorry to read of your sisters illness. I pray for her and her family as they travel down this road. I pray that they have many, many days of sunshine among the darkness until the end of their journey. God's blessings on you all.
