
Friday, September 25, 2015

Shop Update and a Coupon Code!

I have been trying lately to make a concerted effort to only buy what I need as opposed to amassing a tremendous stash of various things that makes me feel overwhelmed with it all. Which means making the decision to let go of some of my goodies to a good home. So this week I spent sorting and bagging and photographing and writing up descriptions, and now everything is up in my shop (including a few bits of fabric). 

I've posted purse rings, magnetic snaps, swivel clips, zippers, and a few other things that I'm so bleary-brained I can't even remember right now. But there's quite a bit of it if you're interested in helping me feel like I'm not a hoarder. I've even got a discount code for you. Use the code CLEAROUT from now until October 3rd to save ten percent off of anything in my wee shop, from the new hardware listings to quilted bits to pretty trims and my crocheted pot scrubbies.

And don't forget--my giveaway is still live--link at the top of the sidebar!!!


  1. Doesn't it feel freeing to let go of stuff. I am working at reducing my hoarding tendencies, so I applaud your efforts. And because I know I don't need anything, I will not look at your shop, because I might see something I don't need!

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