
Saturday, November 5, 2016

A Little Bit of Housekeeping

I'm not sure what happened, or why, or when, really, but when I look back at my blog (and receive comments from people--you know you are, haha) it's apparent I've lost 'it' somewhere. Not lost it forever, but misplaced it (it's probably in the same place, that special place, where I put actual items so that I won't forget where they are, and when I remember that place it'll be quite the happy day of recovering lots of things, haha). Anyway, I don't know if it's because Instagram makes it so easy to say "Here, this is my project, and I can tell you what I used and who designed it" without any further wordage necessary. I've seen this happening across lots of blogs, and I don't like it, because over the years I've carefully cultivated my reading list so I have many different places and people to 'visit.' Perhaps this is where my lack of motivation has come from--no inspirational words to back up a simple photo on a swiping app? Anyway.

I feel this lack of focus within me, and I don't like it. I was leaving work yesterday and for what seemed like the first time noticed the beautiful leaves against a brilliant blue sky, and the thought hit me that "Hey! It's November!" It's like all the parts deep within me have been asleep. I don't like that.

So, going forward, I'm going to try to make this blog a more focused place. I've had several big moments this year, both good and bad, but I feel that I've missed all of the small moments that lead to a happy, content life. I don't like that at all. I need (like in a psychological sense) to get back to that. It's where my joy comes from.

So, that promise being made, I want to mention two other things because I'm not dedicating individual posts to them.

First--I'm still in the process of closing down my shop. Some of you have bought a nice amount of things (like multi-page invoice amounts--thank you!). But I still have a good bit of stuff left. Everything is fifty percent off (automatically--no code required!), and all proceeds will be donated to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Please help me avoid paying any more digital 'rent' while scoring some goodies at a great price and donating to a fabulous cause. You can read my post on this here.

Second--I know it's November and it's way too soon to ponder Christmas in an actual sense, but if you're a crafter and a maker the internet will make you feel as though you don't have any time left before the big day. Creativebug has been having monthly courses throughout the year--some are for drawing, some painting, all present a daily 'challenge' to help you expand your creative horizons. For November, they've launched a series on handmade tags, cards, and wrapping ideas. For five minutes a day (or thereabouts) they'll present you with simple ideas to add handmade touches to your merry-making. I caught up with all of the videos this morning, and I must go get dressed so I can go to Joann's and give them some money. My inspiration has been tickled, and I need to embrace it while it lasts.

Third (I'm a liar, I said two things, but there's a third) I've recently discovered the Arne and Carlos youtube channel. Having met them in September, it's really nice to watch their videos and see that their personalities are the same as in person. Plus they pop up a weekly video (some are knitting, some are decorative, some are lifestyle and home-making) that, even if you don't knit, is fun to watch as they are just so dang delightful. So if you want to just cozy up and get lost in videos, you can find their channel here. Also, if they get ten thousand subscribers to their channel they'll keep posting weekly videos. So make life difficult for them and subscribe.

Also--is watching Bob Ross and The Joy of Painting ever not a soothing way to spend a Saturday morning?


  1. Aww, I am SO with you on blogs dissapearing over Instagram and I am sad because of it as well. Some blog peeps that I have been following for years feel like really good friends to me and when they quit their blogs it's like you're losing something. Or maybe they're breaking up with you or something, hehe. I dunno, does that make me sentimental person? Ah well, who cares. Though I do agree that focus is a good thing. I have also done that in business, by not doing things that I was 'blah' about anymore, I have found that the things that I decided to keep doing I do with 100% joy and dedication, notice more small things and I am more forgiving towards myself. I do keep laughing about Arne & Carlos however. It's great what they've accomplished, but they're well so... hilarious (it's the dudes knitting balls things, I know... I am 12). Anyway, have a great weekend and can't wait to see your next project!

  2. I love making life difficult for youtubers so I've gone and subscribed to Arne and Carlos. They haven't reached 10k yet. I haven't given up on knitting yet tho' I know with all my energy dedicated to baking for at least this year and next year, I may be an old lady when I finally get knitting. Lots of bloggers have stopped blogging. I've forgotten most of them already. I still plod on with my blogging now and then because my blog is where I keep my memories. My family uses it whenever we want to check out something we had forgotten and hopefully I had written about it. It's like our wiki. When I re-read my old blog posts, I like it when I also write about the small stuff, the unimportant stuff because I know one day I'll surely forget about them.

  3. Bob Ross's happy little trees delight me. I watch him and I believe I could actually do it. However, my drawings still look like I used primary school crayons!
    Welcome back!

  4. I hate seeing all of the blogs disappearing too, although I can understand the draw of Instagram... I'm just really relieved to hear that you intend to keep blogging! ;-) I hope you can find 'it'... I've been feeling a little adrift lately too, and I don't like it.
