
Thursday, November 30, 2017

I'd Like to Thank the Academy...

Hi, gang! Long time, no write! Ever since I returned from Vermont, I've been a little blah. Normally I am in pretty tip-top shape, but it was one thing after another for a while (I actually met my deductible this year, soooo.....yeah). Anyway, I felt fairly ornery and unmotivated, and the one thing I did finally finish (a sweater) took me so long and was so underwhelming I literally sneered at it when I picked it up to work on it. Hopefully that will be changing as we are in my favorite month of the entire year. We're finally allowed to talk about Christmas!

But not right now. Right now I wanted to share something that, to me, feels like a little bit of a big deal. When I started blogging in 2009, I had delusions of grandeur, if you will. Other bloggers made blogging look so effortless, and made me think gaining followers and visitors would be quite simple (and we know how wrong that is, in the grand scheme of things). I have definitely neglected my little space here (I almost had to literally wipe some cobwebs off as I logged in tonight), but in the background people have still been coming to visit--following my sew-alongs and tutorials, asking questions, reading old posts, saying "Hi!" and all that jazz.

One of the comments I recently received was "Hey! Congrats on being number fourteen on the top twenty bag-making blogs on the web!" What the...what?? How did I not know this? You know how I didn't know? That fun old spam folder, wherein resided TWO emails alerting me to this...I'm going to go with honor, because that's how it feels.

Making the list was based on Google search metrics, social media popularity, quality and consistency of posts, and then a review by the editorial team. I am in some mighty fine company on this list, so I feel quite proud that my little corner of the digital world received enough visits to even warrant further review. You can see the list here.

It even comes with a fancy gold medal, which is great since the Olympics season is around the corner and I can be all "Downhill skiing? Pfft. Try pattern writing."

If you're reading this, it's unlikely this is your first visit, so for everyone who keeps reading, and clicking, and following my tutorials, and generally just being a wonderful part of this great crafting community that exists on the internet, thank you. I love you. And if this is your first time here? Welcome. Have a seat. I'll make you some tea, and we'll chat. I love you, too.


  1. Ooh I didn't know about the spiffy badge when I saw you on the top 20 bag making blogs list. Well done!

  2. I saw a bunch of bloggers I follow on the list, so you are obviously in good company.
    I understand the spam thing. It would be kind of like the emails telling you you won a cruise in a contest you never entered. You know, just send $200 to cover the tax?

  3. LOL! Congrats hon! I have to say (and not because I am brown nosing or desperately jealous, well... maybe), that your blog is one of the few blogs I keep coming back to. I keep wondering how 'A-train' is doing, like you guys are some kind of distant relatives I have. I think you totally deserve this. It's such a shame that 'faster and easier' media like IG and FB are taking the place of blogging. Even though my visitor numbers are still great, hardly anyone takes the time to comment anymore, which is a shame as I love the interaction best of all. Enjoy your medal!

    1. Awww, thanks!!!! I remember setting aside a nice chunk of time each day to read blogs, and now it's a ghost town, save for a few. IG and FB give that instant gratification, but I like the feeling a blog gives, like you know the person and they let you into their lives a little bit.

  4. Congratulations, Bethany! And very well deserved, I may say. You have a style of writing and a sweet sense of humor that fosters an instant bond of friendship. I'm thrilled for you!

  5. congratulations!! that's such a great recommendation for your blog
