
Wednesday, April 11, 2018

"I Need You to Be More Discerning"

That's something my youngest sister has said to be a LOT in recent months (or something similar). I cannot deny that she has good reason.

A couple of months ago I went on a handful of dates with a guy who started off normal enough, and then took a hard left down Crazy Lane (which, if that was a real street, I'd have to live there just because). "When you're out with your friends, I'm going to need you to check in with me regularly." No. Or, "I need you to text me right away when I text you." Not at 3 in the morning, pal. And finally, "I love you." You don't tell the girl who doesn't like to be HUGGED that you LOVE her after TWO weeks. And that's the tippy top of the tip of the iceberg. My sister said "I'm going to need you to let me screen these people."

Reason two. Not long ago, I made a bagel with cream cheese. It tasted fine. I did not get sick or have any ill effects. A few days later, my sister said "Is this cream cheese ok?" My mother looked and gave that "Eh, maybe yes maybe no face." (Don't judge--you know you've got a science experiment in your fridge, too). I said "I ate that the other day and it was fine." Sister said "I'm pretty sure it's GRAY." (It wasn't). So I repeated myself. She threw it away and said "I'm going to need you to not eat cheese of a questionable age."

And reason three. A few months ago we had a girls' day and went to tea. Afterwards we went to this (quite large) cute antique shop that we had never noticed before. If I had space for such stuff I could have dropped a small fortune there. As such, I bought a book for my uncle, and a beaded basket. It looked really cute sitting on the shelf, with the lights hitting it just so. I imagined someone sitting there, stringing beads and following the directions that came in (what was probably) a kit. I carried it around quite proudly, not knowing what I would ever use it for but needing it just the same.

When we got home, I put it in some warm soapy water to try and brighten it up a little bit. I left it on the windowsill to dry. It looked pretty in the sun.

My sister hadn't seen it yet. But when she saw it the next morning she said "What is that?" but inserted an expletive or two. Then--"That's hideous."

I argued on its behalf. I said "But it's pink and red!" And "It's safety pins!!!" And "Doesn't it remind you of that teeny beaded lampshade Grandma has on that little electric candle in her bathroom?"

I'll be honest. I was less than enamored with it. The lighting in the shop must have been fantastic, because it was not as cute anymore. I told her "Well, I had second thoughts about it this morning....?" and she said "The time for second thoughts was in the store when you picked it up!"

Then she threw down  "I'm going to need you to be more discerning. Between guys, cheese, and...this...I'm just going to need you to make better choices." She's right. So right. In that way that only sisters can be.

But now I have to keep it until she forgets it exists. I can't just admit that I don't know what came over me. It's not even functional! But it IS pink and red...

**Note: I wish she would go to the hospital and tell that neurologist that HE needs to be more discerning, because now I've got TWO doctors of the opinion that this might not be MS. I get more tests on Friday, and hopefully they fill in enough of the picture so I can know for pretty sure what's going on.

And also: I finished my sweater. And it seems to fit. And it's going to be really warm this weekend, but I'll try to take some photos for you. But it's pure wool. So no promises.


  1. Hahaha, your sis is right. As a journalist I am born a critic and I am my own worse critic, hence I gave people and 'stuff' always way too much credit. Getting sick a few years ago has really helped me make better choices. It did mean I had some very tough (tough!) choices to make (breaking with a friend who was my maid of honour... hello...). As for the guys I say: don't confuse 'interesting and fascinating' with 'One flew over de cuckoo's nest' and you're halfway there. Oh, I am kind of hopeful that more than one doc thinks it's not MS, although it makes you wonder what the héll it is what's been bothering you.... **keeps didgets crossed**

    1. She's a great dresser, so when I'm shopping I try and think if it's something she would approve of or wear. I feel this has helped me tremendously in not looking like an imbecile at times.

      Both docs have said 'virus' as their first alternate, so I'm hoping the cold/sinus infection I had in January decided to hibernate in my body and that's all this is.

  2. Just out of curiosity, did you pick the crazy date AND the basket in the same month? And why do I need to know? Just want to know how mad you are. 2 doctors are in agreement it's not MS? What are u waiting for? Date them! Just kidding. Looking forward to your sweater photo. Better not crop out your face.

  3. Okay, you had already decided about the guy, so I don't think you needed the first piece of advice. Cheese has gone bad to begin with, thatst how they make cheese, so your opinion is equal to your sisters. The basket could go either way. I have pink and red flowers in my garden, they look great together. Trust yourself.
    Sisters can be wonderful, but sometimes...

    1. Usually if I don't get my sisters on board I get my mom and it feels like a tie. But I don't have a single supporter for this basket. I don't even think I support it anymore, haha.

  4. I read your first post about MS and wondered... I've been diagnosed and undiagnosed with MS more than once. The medical field knows very little about autoimmune disease. Thank God it's not MS but finding out what the problem is might be a long journey. I've gotten to the point that I just ignore symptoms as much as possible and carry on... Hugs to you!!

    1. A lot of people I've spoken to seem to think it's a virus. I hope so. And I hope I'm now immune to it.

  5. Yes, I think we all have made a "cute" purchase that later we question.....guilty.
    About your diagnosis.....this reminds me of when my son was in junior high. We were in church, all of sudden he passed out and woke up to violent vomiting and twitching with eyes rolled back. We took him to the ER. First diagnosis was epilepsy . MD's said more tests were needed. After VERY extensive tests...NO epilepsy. It was a virus that hit him so hard and fast his body couldn't handle it. Never to rear it's ugly head again....Amen!!! Today, he has gone on with life and is now the Captain at the fire department. Keep praying!!!! Sometimes things just happen!!! Jer 29:11

    1. While I'm personally frustrated, I'm scientifically curious and fascinated. The human body can be a strange thing indeed!

  6. Haha! It is a strangely cute basket, and I could see myself actually buying a few years ago- I've become a tiny bit better about not buying things I won't actually use lately!
    Two doctors that think it isn't MS! That's a good thing! I hope you get some answers after the next set of tests.
