
Sunday, November 6, 2011

Not much....

Ahoy ahoy! I've been plugging away all weekend, but I don't have much that's interesting to see. I've got a few knitted dishcloths added to my stock (my family is always looking to buy them and I was down to nothing), and a few unstuffed Christmas trees waiting for fattening up (my last large order for the year). My sister helped me choose yarn for a baby blanket I've got to make (can't WAIT to get started and share some peeks with you!). Z-man told me he got a 'perfect' on his family crest. Ummm....what else....  OH! And I made a leaf garland for the mantle.

Towards the end I thought "Durnit, I should have written a tutorial." But then I thought it was so easy I can just tell you what I did. I bought a few bags of loose leaves at the dollar store, and a length of ribbon. I sewed the leaves together (long stitch, low tension) like a loooong chain. Then I pulled on the ends and gathered it all in for fullness. I made four shorter lengths of leaves to make the gathering easier. I made enough to fit the length of ribbon I had cut to span the front of the mantle. Once all was gathered and the thread ends knotted, I hot glued this to the kitchen counter. I finger... I mean the RIBBON. I hot glued it to the RIBBON. Yeah, that's it. In a few sections you could still see the gathering stitches, so I just hot glued a leaf on top of those sections to hide it. Up on the mantle it went, and it completely changes the look. I've only got a close-up of it for you, as I didn't finish until it was too dark for a decent pic, but I'll try to remember to snag one for you - it really is quite cheery!

I love cute and quick and easy! I haven't really made anything new for fall, and I loved the look of the leaves all over my sewing table as I ran these through. Now it makes a perfect backdrop for my 'Be Thankful' banner that I made last year:

Find my tutorial here!

Of course it's not in THIS picture (from last year) but you can totally imagine it, I'm sure. Have a good Monday, my dears! I'm not as "Ugh, Monday" as I usually am because I feel like my weekend was quite productive. See how much you can do with an extra hour?

UPDATE:  I took a few photos for you so you can get a better idea of the truly fallish effect these leaves have--compare to the photo just above to see the major difference:

Linking up here:


  1. Love the idea of an autumnal leaf garland and the colours are so nice. Great idea - wish I'd thought of it ;-) Have a good day xo

  2. I almost forgot about the mantle decoration thingy. I looked around my home and realised the only place I could "decorate" with crafty stuff is my pin board right in front of my monitor. It's loaded with forgotten 'to-do' lists. If anyone gifts you with the necklace and you hate it so much(it happens), please send it my way!:)

  3. SOOOO cute.. what a great idea.... Would OVE for you to share this via my thanksgiving craft party pweease.. TY

  4. This is so cute! pinning this! It would be so cute on my mantle!

  5. Love it! :)

    -Bonnie @ Revolutionaries

  6. Love AUTUMN :)

    Love for you to join my Linky Party - JAQS "Made by ME" at

  7. What an adorable project and I love the tutorial too.

    Enjoy your day.
