
Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Shabby Apple Winner!

Well, my friends, jealousy has set in. I picked the winner of the Shabby Apple giveaway today. I tried to think of all sorts of ways I could hoodwink the "system" and try and take this beauty for myself, but I am honest to a fault (and not devious enough to formulate such a plan), so this gorgeous little bit of yum will be finding its way to one of you.

There weren't a butt-ton of entries for this one, so I decided to kick it old school and write everyone's name on a wee slip of paper. I gave them a nice big shakey-shake and plucked one out. So, without further ado, the winner is:

who said she is going to keep this for herself. That comment disappointed me. I was hoping it would read "If I win I will give this necklace to Bethany. I can't imagine anything else I'd rather do. I certainly would NOT keep it for myself."

Congratulations! I'm off to email you now. And for those of you who may have wanted one for yourselves (or for those lunatics who said they would give it away--I KNOW--who ARE these people?), the 10% off discount code is good through the end of this month. Simply enter the code sweetbee10off at checkout and you'll receive 10% off your order. We're getting close to Christmas, and they have some beautiful things that would make wonderful gifts. So head on over to Shabby Apple and have a look-see.


  1. I didn't win? Wait, I didn't enter. Wait, I couldn't enter. Wait. What's with the US only???

  2. I would have won if I had been allowed to enter... I probably would have kept if for myself too though ;-) Congrats to the winner! xo
