Thursday, September 20, 2012

An Appeal

This post is a bit difficult for me to write, as it goes against the grain of my blog and my psyche a bit to put something personal on here that isn't a passing comment of temporary unwellness or down in the dumpishness.

My close friend's husband has been sick for the past three-plus months with an illness that is yet to be diagnosed. There have been numerous emergency room visits, doctor's office appointments, and visits to specialists. Johns-Hopkins has not even been able to give them an answer. He has lost a ton of weight, and is unable to work. He is self-employed, so they are dealing with a big loss of income right now. Though they have insurance coverage through her work, limits can be reached and all those co-pays add up to ridiculous. Next week they are heading to the Mayo Clinic in Minnesota for more bloodwork, scans, punctures, taps, and whatever other things they make people endure for the sake of "some tests."

I don't know what's worse about the whole situation: the financial worry, dealing with a serious illness, or not even knowing what that illness is. Their kids have been amazing through the whole ordeal thus far. They truly are one of the best families I know--they are just honest, loving, all-around good people, plain and simple. As I watch what I feel is the decline of morals in our society, they are people that you look at and think "I wish I knew more people like them." At least I do.

Why am I telling you this? Because for the next few months you're going to see a widget at the top of my sidebar for donations for Brian Schaffer (and I just wanted you all to know it's legit and not a spammy kind of thing). And also that if you fancy yourself a philanthropist (or know any actual rich folks who like to dole out money for worthy causes) you can click on the widget and be taken to the fundraising page. It shows an amount in the widget, but you can change that--that wouldn't be the amount you are donating. I don't even know why they programmed that in there. Every little bit can help, as it all adds up to a big bit (just like those co-pays). I know it's weird to ask people you don't know to donate money to someone else they don't know, but it never hurts to try. If you can spare a few bucks I (and they) would be infinitely grateful. If you can't perhaps you could say a prayer or think a few good thoughts? It certainly couldn't hurt to have more positive energy floating around the universe, right?


  1. Good luck to him, hope they can figure out what's wrong quickly!

  2. Bethany, sometimes life is not fair, and although I do not know the person of whom you speak, by reading your post I can see it's someone young, with a family that is suffering with his family and friends. What you do is so generous of you, I can not help right now, but I will pray for him and his family. Of all factors that can affect our lives, there is only one that is the most important, and that is our health, so I will pray for a speedy recovery and for his family to have the courage to go through all that.

  3. It's a very kind thing that you've done and I'm sure non of your followers will mind you posting this. My prayers go out to Brian and his family and hope that the goal is reached.



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